Divided Perspectives

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Chaahe sau gardishein ho

Par koi bair nahi

Hum duniya se lad lenge

Par tere bagair nahi...

Dil se sun piya ye dil ki daastaan

Jo lafzon mein nahi ho bayaan


Location: The Palace of Dwarka. The golden city is bustling with celebration with the arrival of their princess, whose eyes shine with tears at being back in her own city, her own people. Her family.

"You've missed them, haven't you?" Arjun smiled observantly, helping her off the chariot.

Subhadra nodded, taking his hand. "I have."

They made their way up the flower laden steps, where the royal family waited for them. Maharaj Vasudev was the first to extend his hand to his daughter, dearly-missed, pulling her into an embrace.

Being back in her fathers arms brought back a wave of nostalgia. "How are you, pitashree?" she said softly, as her father held her at an arm's length, his wearied eyes roaming her face.

"I'm doing well in your absence." Vasudev replied, smiling. "I am reminded of you everyday, putri."

Subhadra nodded, kissing his cheek. She moved to greet her mothers as Arjun greeted his father-in-law.

"Subhadra, you look positively radiant." Rohini said, almost in wonder. "Isn't it, Jiji?"

"It's all because of Arjun, isn't it?" Devaki replied, touching Subhadra's cheek lovingly. "He keeps you happy."

Subhadra laughed. "Yes, he does." she glanced at her husband, who smiled. She turned her attention back to her mothers. "Where's Bhratashree?"

"They are just inside." Rohini led them inside the palace to one of the chambers.

Krishna and Balram enveloped her into a hug on seeing her. They sat down together, laughing and joking light-heartedly. Subhadra glanced at Arjun again, and he nodded, giving her the go-ahead. They had come for a special purpose, and now it was time to break the news to her brothers.

"Bhrata, me and Arya have something to tell you," Subhadra began, once the laughter died down.

Krishna leaned forward, a playful grin spreading across his face. "What is it, Subhadre? Don't keep us waiting!"

"We're going to be parents soon." She smiled, waiting for their reactions anticipatingly.

For a moment, there was silence as the news sunk in. Then, Krishna let out a whoop of delight, jumping up from his seat, almost scaring Arjun with his sudden outburst. "A nephew!" he cheered, his face alight with excitement. "Did you hear that, Dau? We're going to be uncles!"

Balram sat stone-faced, still absorbing the fact that his little sister was going to be a mother. A small smile settled across his face, and he congratulated Arjun with a hug.

Rohini and Devaki had been standing by the doorway with their daughters-in-law, and they rushed in, congratulating the couple. Her mothers couldn't stem the flow of happy tears that made their way down their overjoyed faces.

Rohini and Devaki had been standing by the doorway with their daughters-in-law, and they rushed in, congratulating the couple. Her mothers couldn't stem the flow of happy tears that made their way down their overjoyed faces.

Krishna, unable to contain his excitement, danced around the room, making everyone laugh. "You and Parth have given me the best news I've ever heard!"

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