The Abduction

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Jaa karna hai to pyaar kar,

Zidd puri fir ek baar kar,

Kamleya, Ve Kamleya....

Manmarzi karke dekh le,

Badle me sab kuch haar kar,

Kamleya....Ve Kamleya....


For the first time in months, Subhadra let the excitement in the air get to her. After all, she was getting married. The lights, decoration and buzz of the people around her finally meant something to her. She had spent weeks dreading this moment, yet it was only now, standing amidst the flurry of activity, that the reality of it all began to sink in, now that she was marrying the man she wanted. Her heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and nerves as she thought about what lay ahead.

Subhadra glanced around at the festively decorated courtyard. Lanterns cast a warm glow, their light dancing off the vibrant flowers and intricate tapestries that adorned every surface. The air was thick with the scent of jasmine and sandalwood, mingling with the mouth watering aroma of the feast being prepared in the kitchens. Everywhere she looked, there were friends and family, their faces lit with smiles and laughter. It was a scene of pure celebration, and for the first time, she allowed herself to be swept up in it.

"Subhadra," Rohini said. "Here, your wedding attire." Subhadra glanced at the elaborate garments in her mother's hands. The deep crimson sari, embroidered with gold threads, shimmered in the soft light. It was a masterpiece, crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, fit for a princess. The sight of it made her heart skip a beat. 

"You look happy today," Rohini noticed, placing a nurturing hand over her daughter's shoulder. "Its not because you are marrying Duryodhan."

Mothers knew everything. "Mata, trust me. I will only do what is right."

"I know," Rohini smiled. "That's why I won't question you. All I say is, follow your heart."

Subhadra felt a wave of relief wash over her. Her mother's words gave her the strength she needed. "Thank you, Mata. Your support means everything to me."

Rohini embraced her daughter tightly. "You have always had a courageous heart, Subhadra. Remember, no matter what path you choose, you will always have my love and blessing."

Subhadra nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "It's time for you to go to the temple." Rohini whispered into her hair. "Amaya, Mitali, go with her."

Amaya and Mitali nodded their heads. Subhadra lifted her plate for the puja, and made her way to the temple. As she approached the temple, she felt a fear of the unknown, of what would happen next. In a few hours, she would be married. 

When she turned her gaze to the idol of Mahadev in the middle of the temple, she felt calm. Taking a deep breath she ascended the steps. She knelt in front of the idol, joining her hands in prayer.

"Mahadev," she whispered, closing her eyes. "Give me the strength to fulfil my duty as a daughter, princess, sister and....wife."

The flickering flames of the oil lamps cast a warm glow on the idol, and Subhadra felt a sense of peace and reassurance wash over her. She stayed in silent prayer for a few moments, feeling the divine presence fill her with courage. She could do this.

Any minute now.

Subhadra heard the wheels of a chariot hurrying near. She stood up and turning, moved closer to the steps. From the corner of her eye, she saw a chariot in the distance, with a warrior clad in white, with a bow in one hand, the reigns of the chariot in the other. 

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