Anniversary :)

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"I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly and then all at once."

Location: Arjun and Subhadra's chamber. The sun has just begun to make an appearance over the horizon, shining over the sleeping couple.

Subhadra opened her eyes, turning towards her sleeping husband. "Happy wedding anniversary, Rajkumar." she whispered, touching his face with her fingertips. It astonished her that she had already spent a year with her new family, which had grown since she first entered the palace. Nakul and Draupadi's son, Shatanik, had won everyone's hearts over from the moment he was born. 

As Arjun continued to sleep peacefully beside her, Subhadra reflected on her time spent in Indraprastha. The bustling city had become her home, and the people of the palace her family. She thought back to the day she first arrived, feeling both excited and apprehensive about her new life.

In the past year, she had learned much about the complexities of palace life. Each day brought new challenges and joys, and she had grown into her role as a princess and a beloved member of the Pandav family. From managing the household to participating in court affairs, Subhadra had immersed herself in her duties with dedication.

She remembered the warm welcome she received from her co-wife, Draupadi, who had guided her through the nuances of royal responsibilities. Draupadi's wisdom and grace had been invaluable, and Subhadra admired her strength and resilience. The bond between them had strengthened over the months, turning into a deep and trusting sisterhood.

Subhadra's thoughts drifted to her brothers-in-law. Bhrata Yudhishthir's fairness and wisdom, Bhrata Bheema's strength and fierce loyalty, and Nakul and Sahadev's unwavering support had made her feel protected and loved. She had learned from each of them, absorbing their unique qualities and values.

If she were to put it simply, she felt like she belonged.

She also reflected on her relationship with Arjun. Their love had deepened with each passing day, built on mutual respect and understanding. Arjun's devotion to her, his wisdom, and his courage had made her fall in love with him more with each sunrise. They shared dreams and aspirations for their future, and she felt blessed to have him by her side.

As if on cue, Arjun stirred, opening his eyes to find her lost in thought. He smiled, pulling her closer. "What are you thinking about, Priye?" he asked softly.

"About how much I've learned and grown this past year," she replied, her eyes meeting his. "About our family, our future, and how grateful I am for everything."

"Remind me again, is today something special?" Arjun adopted a face of mock confusion. "I can't seem to place my finger on it."

Subhadra laughed, playfully swatting his arm. "Oh, really? You forgot our anniversary? How could you, Rajkumar Arjun?" she teased, feigning hurt.

Arjun chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist. "How could I forget one of the most beautiful days of my life? I was just teasing you, Priye. I could never forget our anniversary," he said, his voice filled with affection.

"Can you believe its already been a year?" she said silently.

Arjun looked into her eyes, his expression softening. "No, it feels like just yesterday that we were married," he said. "This has been the best year of my life."

"A year ago, I never expected myself to grow in so many ways." Subhadra said. "Its been wonderful."

"It has," Arjun smiled. 


"Pradyumn, you have grown so much since the last time I saw you." Subhadra smiled at her nephew, now quite tall. He had begun to resemble his father even more. 

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