Sparrows ;)

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Location: Princess Subhadra paces in her chamber, her mind swirling with various emotions. 

She could feel a headache coming on. Would the uneasiness ever end? Subhadra sighed, glancing at the sunset from her balcony. Where was he? Why did he have to go so suddenly?

She wouldn't normally be so rattled about Arjun's absence, but she had something important to tell him, possibly the most important thing she would ever tell him, and her mind was heavy with the nerves it brought.

A child. Their child. 

How would she tell him? How would he react? Did he want this? Her heart beat like a rabid animal in her chest, her breaths coming out  in shallow, rapid bursts. Subhadra tried to picture the moment she would tell him, but every scenario seemed to end with uncertainty. Would he be happy? Shocked? Or would he be overwhelmed by the sudden change this news would bring to their lives? She had replayed the conversation in her mind countless times, but none of it seemed to calm her raging thoughts.

She had pictured them with their own family. She had pictured herself as a mother, him as a father, but what or rather, how would everything turn out? Now, when motherhood was knocking at her doorstep, she was scared to let it in. It still seemed unreal. 

The timing had begun to bother her. Where was he? Why did he suddenly have to go when she had to tell him something that meant everything to their relationship? She steadied herself. He was an army general, he was bound to his duty, and when duty calls, one has to go. 

She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to him. She had only spoken to him properly the night before. When she awoke, he was asleep. 

Where is your letter when I need it the most, Rajkumar Arjun?

The sun had begun to dip below the horizon, the navy hues of the night painted across the sky with a sprinkle of stars; the last rays of sun fading into the night. She imagined the look in his earthy brown eyes when he heard the news. Would it be joy? Confusion? Or something else entirely? The uncertainty gnawed at her, each possibility more daunting than the last. 

A gentle knock on her door pulled her from her thoughts. She turned to see a maidservant standing hesitantly at the entrance.

"Rajkumar Arjun has sent you a letter, Rajkumari. The messenger has just arrived." She said, holding out a rolled up piece of parchment.

Subhadra's heart leaped into her throat. She whispered a silent prayer to the gods. Thank you, Mahadev. 

She took the letter from the maidservant, dismissing her. Her fingers trembling, she opened up the scroll. She recognized Arjun's handwriting immediately, the bold, decisive strokes that mirrored his personality.

My Rajkumari,

I hope my letter finds you well. 

If only he knew.

I regret having to leave suddenly, and even more so that I will have to spend a few more days at the northern frontier for security purposes.

Do not worry for me, I will return to you as soon as I can.

Don't miss me too much.

Despite her anxiety, she laughed softly.

With all my love,


She traced the outlines of the words with her thumb, feeling his presence around her. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she pressed the letter to her heart, her emotions overwhelming her. His words brought a sense of peace, a reminder that he was thinking of her even in the midst of his duties. She wiped her tears, a small smile forming on her lips. She would tell him, and they would face the future together, no matter what it held.

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