Blossoming Possibilities

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Location: The training grounds of Dwarka. Satyaki was teaching the young soldiers a new sword technique. Enter Rajkumari Subhadra with her maids. 

Senapati Satyaki turned to face the princess. He nodded wordlessly when she sat down on one of the benches. She simply observed the goings on. When Satyaki sounded the bell for rest, she spoke up.

"Bhrata Satyaki." she stood up to greet him. He smiled a terse smile.

"Rajkumari, what brings you here?" he brushed the dust off his clothes and took a sip of water. 

She tilted her head to one side and to see his face better with the sunlight beating down on them. "I was wondering whether you'd be up for a chariot race?"

Satyaki chuckled, wiping his sweaty face with a towel. "Rajkumari, the entirety of Dwarka knows you are the best charioteer there is."

Subhadra smiled. Maybe it was true, she was skilled with the art of manoeuvring a chariot. Even in Kanyakul, she beat everyone to the finish line. "Still," she said. "I'd like you to race with me. On second thought, maybe you are tired."

"Its a chance to race with you, Rajkumari." Satyaki sighed. "I'm always up for it."

Subhadra grinned, tucking her free flowing fabric into her waistband and tying her hair to keep it from coming onto her face. She and Satyaki then went to the stables to release the horses.

Subhadra went over to the third stable and looked inside. Her horse was resting in the shade of the stables. As soon as she saw Subhadra, the horse whinnied, and stood up, stomping its hooves on the ground excitedly.

"Missed me, Avanti?" Subhadra smiled, her hand reaching out to stroke the glossy white coat of the eager mare, whose head was shooting up and down in an effort to come outside.

Subhadra unlocked the doors of the stable, letting her out, laughing when the mare tossed its beautiful white hair near her face. "Ready for a race?"

As if she understood every word, Avanti whined, moving around in circles around the princess. "Lets go get Shwet."

The male horse was already up and ready to be let out. Subhadra's chariot was soon ready. A minute later, Satyaki came by in his chariot with his horses Badal and Vajra, their prowess reflected in their names, ready for the challenge.

The chariots approached the outskirts of the city, facing open land and forests ahead. Subhadra flashed Satyaki a smile filled with challenge. A soldier sounded a horn, and the chariots were off.

Subhadra's chariot went far out, with Satyaki not far behind. The chariots were almost at the speed of light, the wind whipping the riders faces.

Subhadra's eyes narrowed with determination as she expertly navigated her chariot over the rough terrain, her hands steady on the reins. The horses, sensing their rider's resolve, galloped with all their might, muscles rippling under their sleek coats.

The forest loomed closer, trees standing tall like silent sentinels. Subhadra deftly steered her chariot around a large boulder, glancing back to see Satyaki mirroring her movements with ease. His chariot, though slightly behind, was closing the gap, and the sound of his horses' hooves thundered in her ears.

With a quick flick of her wrist, Subhadra urged her horses to go faster. They responded with a burst of speed, their manes flying like banners in the wind. The open land began to blur, and the trees seemed to rush towards them. She felt the exhilaration of the race coursing through her veins, a fiery thrill that pushed her to her limits.

Satyaki, not to be outdone, called upon his own horses with a commanding shout. His chariot surged forward, drawing almost level with Subhadra's. He caught her eye and grinned, a silent challenge that spurred her on.

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