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Koi baandhani, joda odh ke,

Babul ki gali au chhod ke,

Tere hi liye, laungi piya

Sola saal ke saavan jod ke.


Location: Princess Subhadra's chamber. The room is alight with song and dance, the women rejoicing at the mehndi function for the bride-to-be. Subhadra sits in the middle, her hands and feet outstretched, as the maids apply fragrant henna in beautifully crafted intricate designs. She is lost in thought, gazing into nothingness. In truth, her mind is still preoccupied with the events that unfolded the night before.

"Subhadra!" Mitravinda said, jolting her from her thoughts. "Where should they hide the groom's name?"

"Huh?" Subhadra said. She looked at her half done hand, blinking at her. "What?"

Apparently it was a tradition where the groom's name was hidden in the bride's henna designs, and as per wedding rituals he was supposed to find his name in her henna. No way in hell was she getting the groom's name tattooed into her skin like that, hence she refused. 

"What are you thinking?" Satyabhama asked her. "I'm noticing you're not your usual self."

She hadn't been her usual self in a long time. "It's just the pre-wedding jitters, Satya." Rukmini said. "She'll be fine."

"Bhabhi, I expect you to understand." Subhadra implored, once the rest of the women had gone. "You do, don't you?"

"Understand what, Subhi?" Rukmini questioned.

"You loved my brother," she said. "And your brother wanted you to marry Shishupal. You wrote him a letter, asking him to rescue you."

Rukmini smiled. "Do you have someone who would rescue you?"

"Even if I did," Subhadra said. "I couldn't let Hastinapur attack Dwarka."

"Subhi," Rukmini said, her eyes teary as she took in the woman who had grown to be equivalent of her sister. "It's too complicated. Who knows, maybe Rajkumar Duryodhan treats you well."

With that, she left Subhadra alone with her thoughts. Her eyes fell on Maharani Gandhari's golden bangles, lying on the dresser. If she took this step and ran away, she'd hurt so many people- Maharani Gandhari, her own family, the people of Dwarka. Everyone would be so disappointed with her. One thing Bhrata Satyaki had said to her that had stuck with her through all her time was, "You are the protectress of your honour."

What did her honour lie in? Marrying the man of her choice. What was her choice? 

Rajkumar Arjun. It came to her as simply as that, she didn't have to even think twice. Her heart had given away what her mind would not. At last, it was clear to her what she needed to do.


"Madhav, she knows." Arjun said. "She didn't reply."

They were seated in Krishna's chamber, Arjun still in the robes of an ascetic. 

"It wouldn't stay hidden from her for too long. She has sharp eyes." Krishna sighed. "As for what she didn't say- you need to read between the lines, Parth."

Arjun's brow furrowed as he contemplated Krishna's words. "What should we do then?"

Krishna smiled. "When warriors want to marry a princess, what do they do Parth?"

Arjun raised his eyebrows, perplexed. "Huh?"

"God, you're thick. He elopes with her." Krishna sighed.

Kshatrani - The Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now