Tales of Destiny

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Location: The Royal Gardens of Dwarka. A young Subhadra sits by the side of a stream, deep in thought, gazing at the sunset. Krishna is just walking by when he notices this and decides to question his sister.

"What is it that has your face scrunched up in concentration?" Krishna says, sitting down beside her, mimicking her stance. "Care to tell me?"

Subhadra stayed silent, her eyes wandering over the vast grassland. But Krishna wouldn't let it go, he said, "Maybe I have the answer."

"You always have the answer." She looked up at him and smiled. "Father was telling me about the importance of choosing the right path."

"The right path? Ah, that is an interesting one...." he smiled. 

"I know  the right path is following Dharma. But what defines the right path, what defines Dharma, and what happens if I have two choices in front of me, both seem right, but only one can be chosen, then how do I-"

"Okay, Okay, stop right there. You speak too fast." he laughed, and she gave him a sheepish smile. Krishna cleared his throat. "What defines Dharma, you say? Well, Dharma is just a social construct designed by the universe to keep people in check. Imagine, if there was no right path, people could be doing anything. But what is right and wrong, it is for you to decide. Something can be right to you, wrong to someone else. That is where society comes in and forces their perception of what is right on the people, the people don't think of it themselves!"

"Does that mean our society is the problem?" the eight year old asked. The birds around them had started to quieten, the sky getting steadily darker as the sun set.

"Not the problem, no. But some things need to change. Time brings about evolution. And evolution brings about ideas, new completely unheard of ideas. But that doesn't mean those ideas are wrong, Subhadra. The society needs to learn to adjust with the new constructs that will form."

Krishna's eyes twinkled. "And as for what happens when you have two choices in front of you and both seem right, that is when the divide between your heart and mind begins. The heart and mind always seem to side different choices, but what is most dominant is the heart. Always listen to your heart Subhadra, it will never lie to you. And what does your heart say?"

Subhadra stood up, brushing the grass off her clothes. She blinked at her brother. "My heart says it is time you tell me another story!" she giggled. Krishna huffed, "It's always the stories."

"You will tell me a new one today, won't you?" she asked, very very seriously. So serious was her expression that Krishna barked out a laugh. "Will you let me live in peace if I don't?"

"Of course I won't." she smiled cheekily. Krishna lifted her up and took her into the palace, seating her on the chair.

"A new story?"


"I will be quick, otherwise mother or father or even Dau might walk in on us, and then say-"

"Subhadra how come you are not sleep yet?" both siblings mimicked in unison, laughing.

"If Dau comes, I will tell him to sit and listen to you too, why does he not like stories?" Subhadra asked.

"Dau is not as young as you, Subhadrey. When people get to his age, they don't listen to stories, they become the stories."

"Will you become a story and then stop telling me stories?" she pouted, placing a hand over his. 

"Never. I promise to never stop telling you stories, dear sister." he replied, taking her little hand in his. "You wait and watch, a few years down the line and I will still be telling you stories."

"I will never get tired of them, bhratashree. Now quick, tell me a new one." she got comfortable and sat down in full readiness. Her brother could always transport her to new worlds like the scene was taking place in her mind's eye. 

"I think it is time I tell you the story of the Kuruvansh," Krishna smiled, his motives clear as water. "That one will interest you, there is no doubt."

"Do go on!"

"A lot of years ago, there was King Shantanu of Hastinapur and he had no children. Desolate and lonely due to lack of a successor he came to the riverbank and saw Devi Ganga, you remember what I told you about Devi Ganga?"

"Yes, she is Maa Parvati's sister and she resides in the locks of Mahadev, by which her streams travel gently down to earth. Bathing in her water rids one of all sins."

"Indeed. Now King Shantanu fell in love with her, and wished to marry her. Devi Ganga agreed, but laid down a condition. No matter what she did, the King was not to ask her any questions about it."

Subhadra listened with rapt attention as Krishna went on to tell her of the story of Devrath turned Pitamah Bhishma, and his gandharva siblings. He then told her about Devi Satyavati, the reigning rajmata of Hastinapur, and the sorrowful death of her children, and how she called Maharishi Vyasa who provided her with heirs, a blind prince Dhritrasthra and a pale prince Pandu. What intrigued Subhadra the most was the part about Devi Amba.

"He abducted the princesses of Kashi?" she gasped, "What, just like that?"

"Kshatriyas can do that. If they want a wife, they abduct her. Pitamah did it for his brothers."

"But what if they loved someone else?"

"Devi Amba did love someone else, and when Pitamah sent her back to him, he couldn't accept her because she had been abducted by another Kshatriya who had beaten all of them. His pride and ego would not let him accept a princess won by someone else."

"Bhratashree, what about Devi Amba? wasn't she hurt?"

"She was hurt, but it was anger that prevailed over her senses. Anger at Pitamah for ruining her life. She was fuelled by her vengeance to travel to Rishi Parshuram."

"Rishi Parshuram? The almighty rishi who killed all the evil Kshatriyas?"

"Yes, he was hot tempered and strict. He blessed Devi Amba that in her next life she will be the root cause of Pitamah's death."

Subhadra's eyes widened. "What did she do then?"

"Devi Amba immolated herself in a sacrificial fire. She vowed to be reborn."

"Bhratashree, why are women always at the receiving ends of male actions?" Unknowingly, little Subhadra had asked the ultimate question. One which would ring throughout the course of her whole life, stamped in history.

"You will understand the answer yourself when you are older, Subhadrey." Krishna got up, his hand outstretched for his sister to hold. "Bedtime, let's go."

"I want to hear more...." she sighed, getting up and taking her brother's hand.

"Tomorrow." Krishna said, smiling. "I promise." to which Subhadra nodded eagerly.

Krishna took her to her bedchambers and stayed by her, patting her head till she was asleep, a peaceful smile on her serene face. Just then, Queen Rohini arrived. On seeing the scene before her, she smiled, grateful for the bond between them. 

"Asleep already?" she whispered. Krishna gently got up and walked towards her. 

"She was tired and she didn't know it herself." He chuckled fondly. "Wanted me to continue my story."

"She loves them, Krishna." Rohini looked over at her daughter. "She loves the fact you tell her these stories."

"I know, mother."

With that, the two left the room after blowing out the candles, letting their princess sleep peacefully.


Thank you for reading! I'd really like if you left a comment or a suggestion. Love, A.

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