The New King

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Location: Dwarka's training camp on the outskirts of the palace. Rajkumari Subhadra is going to visit Senapati Satyaki.

Senapati Satyaki was just teaching the new lots of young warriors when an attendant came to inform him of the princess' arrival. Satyaki straightened up and told the attendant to allow her to enter the training camp.

"Bhrata Satyaki?" she called out tentatively. Unmistakably Subhadra's voice.  Satyaki turned around and was speechless for a whole minute.

She had grown taller. She was draped in royal elegant attire, with minute pieces of jewellery adorning her already blossoming beauty. 

Senapati Satyaki regained his composure and approached the princess with a respectful bow. "Princess Subhadra," he greeted, his voice steady but warm. "It is an honour to have you here at the training camp."

Subhadra smiled, her eyes sparkling with a mix of familiarity and excitement. "Bhrata Satyaki, it has been too long. I see you are as dedicated as ever, training the new warriors."

Satyaki nodded, gesturing towards the young soldiers who were now standing at attention, their eyes wide with curiosity at the sight of the princess.

"Soldiers, this is your princess Subhadra. Everyday when you protect the borders of Dwarka, know it is for her."

Subhadra glanced at the young blood scattered over the field. Smiling, she walked up to the weaponry closet and took out a sword. She expertly twirled the sword in her hand, its blade catching the sunlight as it gleamed with a deadly grace.

"Care to duel with me one day, Bhrata?" she said, her tone mischievous and challenging. 

Satyaki raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Princess Subhadra, it would be my honour. But I must warn you, I won't hold back just because you're royalty."

Subhadra laughed, a bright, melodic sound that echoed across the training grounds. "Good. I wouldn't want you to. I intend to prove that I'm not just a princess but also a warrior worthy of our kingdom."

The young soldiers, still watching intently, exchanged excited glances. The prospect of seeing their skilled mentor duel with the princess was thrilling.

"Someday, princess. Someday." Senapati Satyaki sighed.

Subhadra bowed to the weapon and dropped it on the weapon tray. 

"You are always welcome to come here and instruct the warriors," Senapati Satyaki said, smiling. "You truly are the shining future of Dwarka."

"Rajkumari," an attendant called out the princess. Subhadra turned to face her. "The king wishes for your presence in the courtroom."

Subhadra nodded. She bade the warriors and Satyaki goodbye, and was led back into the palace. She entered the familiar courtroom, and was greeted by the courtiers. She stopped.

When she was younger, she always sat on her fathers lap during court proceedings, but where should she sit now?

As if sensing her dilemma, Maharaj Vasudev gestured to a seat left vacant beside Krishna's seat. Smiling, Subhadra went and took her official place in the courtroom.

"I have called everyone here to discuss a very important decision of mine." Maharaj Vasudev's voice echoed around the quiet courtroom. "I was just waiting till the time my daughter returned to the kingdom after completing her studies at Kanyakul."

He glanced at Subhadra and she smiled reassuringly. "I am reaching an age where I can no longer conform to my duties as king. I wish to retire."

The courtroom burst into murmurs. There was a settling uncertainty in the air. 

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