The Counter-Scheme

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Location: Krishna's chamber. He was speaking to some ministers on urgent matters that pressed the state, when an attendant interrupted them. Krishna sighed. He knew what was coming-rather, who was coming.

"Let her in," he said without a second thought. The attendant nodded, returning with Subhadra, who looked like she had hitched a ride on a tornado to get to there.

"Please excuse us," Krishna smiled sweetly at the ministers. "If you have further concerns, we can reschedule for tomorrow."

The ministers left, leaving Subhadra free to speak her mind to Krishna. "Bhrata, I-" she began, but was cut off by Krishna, who placed his open palm in front of her face. She was a bit taken aback, but the very next minute he walked over to the chairs and sat down. He motioned for her to begin.

"Bhrata," she pleaded. "You know why I'm here."

"I know." Krishna said, his expression nonchalant.

"Please speak to Dau, I can't marry Duryodhan, never in a million years."

"I tried," Krishna sighed. "He gave me the I'm-the-older-brother-I-know-what's-best-for-her talk, and you know he's stubborn, once he makes up his mind even Lord Brahma can't change it."

"Don't say that," she said. "You're my last hope, I can't marry him......there has to be a way."

"Not that I can see." Krishna said. Subhadra was shocked; her brother, that had a solution for absolutely everything had no solution to this problem. It was impossible.

"You always find a way!" she raised her voice in alarm. "You-you're telling me there's no way out of this- that I have to marry Duryodhan?"

"Subhadre," Krishna sighed. "In your circumstances, it's difficult."

"I'll run away." she decided, her throat closing in, a tell-tale sign she was going to cry. "Don't try and stop me, I can't ruin my own future with my own hands."

"If you run away, think of the shame that will befall Dwarka. Hastinapur can attack us, it's a dangerous gamble." Krishna said.

Subhadra thought about it for a minute, her heart beating loudly in her chest. She couldn't bear the fact her Dwarka would be attacked because of her, she cannot let any shame fall on her motherland or her family. But what could she do then?

Tears welled up in her eyes when it started to hit her that Krishna was right, that she couldn't do anything about it, because no one would listen to her. "Alright," she said, her voice cracking. "Alright."

She turned to leave, but Krishna halted her. "Subhadre, don't be like this. You know I hate to see you cry. I promised our mothers that I would uproot any sorrows from your life."

"What life?" she said, her voice coming out in small gasps. "Don't you see? After this marriage, I will have no life."

Krishna finally stood up, and was beside her in two strides. He drew her into a hug, his chin resting on her head. The dam broke, and she let her cries get swallowed in the pain of her existence. 

"Don't you trust me?" he said in a small voice.

"I do, but you say you can't do anything." she sobbed into his chest.

"Subhadre, just go along with it for the time being." Krishna said. "I promise you, you won't have to marry Duryodhan but you have to trust me."

"I-I... can do that." she replied, wiping her tears away. She looked up at her brother. "Promise I won't have to marry him."

"I promise," he placed his hand in hers. "With all my heart. Have I ever broken your trust?"

"No," she said. "I knew I could count on you."

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