Saying Goodbye

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Location: Maharaj Vasudev's chambers in the golden city of Dwarka. An esteemed Rishi Bhargav has arrived. The king and his ministers have welcomed him and they are now discussing the matters of the state.

"It is lovely to see your kingdom flourishing, Maharaj." Rishi Bhargav says. "Last time I visited, Krishna had just about made the plans for the city!"

"Yes, well, Krishna is the one to herald Dwarka to greater heights." Vasudev replied, his eyes shining with appreciation for his sons. "And Balram too, protecting the city with his well devised army formations. Both my boys have attained all the knowledge they needed and have grown up."

"And the princess?" Rishi Bhargav asked. "I was completing my pilgrimage to Kashi when I heard of her birth. It has been a long time since then."

"Yes, Subhadra. She is somewhere, running around the palace." Vasudev laughs. "She is indeed the light of our lives."

"Maharaj, I am sure the princess will be a very insightful young woman when she grows up." the revered Rishi said. "if given the right directions." he added.

Just then, an attendant asked for the attention of everyone. "Maharaj, Rajkumari wishes to enter."

"Please tell Subhadra she can come in a while. I am attending the revered sage." Vasudev said, about to dismiss him, when Rishi Bhargav spoke.

"No, no, Maharaj, please, let her come. I wish to meet the Dwarkaratna (Jewel of Dwarka)."

The king smiled, subtly nodding in the direction of the attendant who bowed and exited the room only to return a few minutes later, Princess Subhadra in tow.

A tender girl of 10, she looked around the room, and on noticing the sage, walked up to him and touched his feet. "Pranam, rishivar." she said, smiling sweetly.

The Rishi smiled and touched the princess' head. "Kalyan ho, Rajkumari." Subhadra assumed her standing position, then walking over to her father and bowing to him as well.

"Putri, this is Rishi Bhargav, he has completed a long pilgrimage over all of Bharatvarsh." he said.

"Really?" her eyes alight with curiosity.

"Yes, dear. I have seen the various weathers, climes, dangers of the roaring seas and mighty mountains. What do you desire to see?"

"Rishivar, she wants to see the kingdoms Yuvraj Krishna always talks about, she wants to see the mace fights Yuvraj Balram is so fond of, she wants to learn the workings of the kingdom too. How is a princess to do all this?" a minister said , invoking laughter from the people present.

"Mantrivar, the question is not how am I to do this, it is where do I start to have it all done?" the Princess answered. 

Rishi Bhargav was impressed by the Princess' reply. Smiling, he said, "In this day and age, it is rare to see a Princess with the want to explore everything."

"Believe me, Rishivar, every princess wishes to explore if she is given the chance."

"Maharaj, I take this golden opportunity to request you to send the Rajkumari to a Kanyakul, she will learn various things there, and she can be given a chance to prove herself."

Subhadra's large, expressive eyes turned to her father, and how could any father deny those eyes? 

"I was thinking of it, but her mothers wish to educate her here in Dwarka. They say they will teach her everything she needs to know." Vasudev replied.

"But what about what she wants to know?" the Rishi said. "Persuade the maharani's my king, it will be a life changing experience for the princess."

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