Strengthening Foundations

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It was that day in every woman's life. The day she fasted for her husband's long life. (quick interruption: as a woman idk HOW I could possibly go without food for so long)

Much like any traditional woman there, Subhadra and Draupadi had both fasted for the long lives of their husband/s. It was probably the longest time Subhadra had ever gone without food, and theoretically, it didn't make sense how starving oneself with lengthen their significant others life....but whatever.

"You will probably live longer," she huffed, pacing around the chamber for what felt like the tenth time. "But my life will surely shorten with the lack of food."

Her husband laughed at her exaggerated sigh, earning a glare from her. He found it extremely funny how rattled his wife was due to the lack of food. She'd tried everything to distract herself from the mice dancing in her stomach but her patience had begun to run thin. This day was taking ages to end.

"I assure you, you will outlive me by your spirit alone." Arjun chuckled. "If you don't, I promise to share my extra years with you."

"You just find this incredibly funny," Subhadra retorted, rolling her eyes. "Its me and jiji with the burning desire for any sort of food."

"I'm bound to enjoy the attention." Arjun leaned back and smiled proudly. "By that science, I will live longer than so many others, I have four wives fasting for my long life."

"You're incorrigible," Subhadra sighed exasperatedly. "I won't spend another minute with you."

She heard his laughter echoing behind her as she glided through the halls to her mother-in-laws chamber, where her beautiful nephews sat, listening to their grandmother's lore.

"How lovely of you to join us, come sit." Kunti called out to her, patting a spot beside her. Prativindhya and Sutasom exchanged excited glances. 

"Choti maa's hungry." Sutasom giggled, nudging Subhadra as she sat down. In all good humour, she pat him on the head.

"Oh, putri, you get used to it." Kunti smiled, which faded away almost thereafter. "Gone are my days of fasting."

"Mata," Subhadra placed a hand in hers. "Pitashree is not far away, he's always with you. He is very proud of you, you've made his little boys into mighty warriors. You are our greatest support."

Kunti's eyes glazed over. She was blessed with the most beautiful family any woman could ever ask for, but the festival of Karva Chauth had always felt incomplete without her husband by her side.

Kunti sniffed, assuring Subhadra she was quite alright, and returning back to the scripture she was reading out to the boys. It had only been short of ten minutes when her co-wife entered the room.

"Mata, why is Aryaputra Bheem in my kitchen?" she exclaimed.

"Draupadi, you know Bheem." Kunti smiled. "He loves making food, especially when you'd break your fast with it."

"He always leaves a mess, Mata." Draupadi sighed, hands on her hips. She looked at her boys. "What are we doing here?"

"Only listening to stories." Prativindhya said, his eyes wide with fascination. "Did you know Bhagwan Parshuram had to perform a penance for 12 years to rid himself of the sins accumulated from his battles?"

"Yes, my dear." Draupadi smiled. "Bhagwan Parshuram is indeed a great and most formidable warrior."

"But he killed many kings and princes." Sutasom said in his chirpy voice.

"Yes, but that was only because none of them were following dharma." Kunti interjected wisely. "Your fathers follow dharma, and that is why they will succeed in every endeavour."

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