Entering Troubled Waters

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Location: Arjun and Subhadra's chamber in the Palace of Indraprasth. The morning sun gently filtered through the delicate lattice windows, casting a warm, golden light across the room. 

Subhadra opened her eyes, blinking twice. The events of the last 24 hours caught up with her, and she remembered the playful moment she and Arjun had shared the night before. She smiled to herself, glancing at his sleeping frame. He slept on, blissfully unaware, his dark locks framing his beautiful face. 

She suddenly felt very uncomfortable with the fact that she had fallen asleep in her wedding attire. She was hyperaware of the heavy ornaments weighing her down, not to mention the heavy robes. She rose, walking over to what she thought was the snan-kaksh. She redressed with an elegant saree which she draped, flinging her wet hair over her shoulder. She returned to notice Arjun still sleeping. Guess he was quite tired with the chariot ride, after all.

She moved closer to his sleeping form and perched on the edge of the bed. She bent over, her wet hair brushing against his face. Slowly, she reached out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair away from his eyes. He smiled in his sleep, as if he was aware of her presence. She stood up.

Needless to say, she was pulled back by Arjun's firm grip on her wrist. Normally, she'd swat his hand away, but maybe she was in a good mood. She turned, laughing at him.

"Sneaking up on a warrior while he sleeps?" Arjun said cockily, raising his eyebrows. "I should expect better of you, Rajkumari."

"Oh, please. You were only half-awake, Arjun. And besides, I wasn't sneaking up on you," she chuckled. "I was just going to wake you up-"

Arjun released her wrist and sat up, leaning back against the headboard with a smirk. "Then maybe I should pretend to be asleep more often, if it means getting awoken like this." he cut her off.

"You were pretending?" Subhadra exclaimed, faking anger. "Deceiving your own wife?"

Arjun gave her a lopsided smile. "Forgive me, Rajkumari."

"What if I don't?" she narrowed her eyes. 

Arjun scooted towards her, his face inches from hers. "Then I suppose I'll have to start sleeping on the settee." he whispered, his breath brushing against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. "Would that charm me into your good graces?"

Subhadra couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, unable to stay feigned angry. "Sweet talking won't help you swindle your way out of this one." she said, her heart begging for some sort of release from his onslaught.

Arjun leaned in even closer, his eyes holding a mischievous twinkle. "Maybe it won't," he sighed. "But if it lets me see your pretty face everyday, I'd rather pretend to sleep."

It was then that she pushed him away gently, walking over to the balcony, admiring the surroundings. She remembered she was supposed to assist Draupadi in the making of the food. Subhadra soon realised Draupadi enjoyed her company as the regal Queen began opening up, slowly but surely. She realised, under that façade was a princess who had never had the chance to enjoy her life before she married.

"I never realised how dire my need for a companion was," Draupadi smiled. "I really am glad I have you."

"Jiji, you'll always have me." she replied earnestly. "Tell me, what do I make?"

It was a special moment for her. As a ritual, she was supposed to cook her very first dish for her new family. She wanted it to be perfect.

"I suggest a sweet dish." Draupadi winked. "Something like halwa?"

Subhadra nodded, getting to work. When she was happy with the final result, she proceeded outside to the seating area where the Pandavs and their mother were seated, enjoying their food.

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