The Faceoff

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Location: The Glorious Palace Of Hastinapur. The epitome of Aryavart. Golden lanterns and oil lamps illuminate the flower-ridden path upwards into the grand chambers, draped with silks and gold. The chariots from Indraprasth arrive and halt at the entrance. The entourage of the Kuru dynasty awaits their visitors from Indraprasth. 

Arjun dismounted the chariot first, offering his hand to Subhadra, who took it with a gracious smile. The Pandavs and their wife made headway to the royal gates, where they were welcomed by the Queen herself. 

"Dearest Kunti," she sighed, embracing her sister-in-law. "It has been long."

"Yes, Jiji. I am glad we could come together as a family this evening." Subhadra's mother-in-law said, taking Maharani Gandhari's hands in hers.

"Draupadi, Subhadra, how lovely to see you two again." The Maharani hugged them in turn. "I hope you enjoy the festivities. I assure you, my sons have put in great effort."

Yudhishthir exchanged a weary smile with Duryodhan, who grinned, approaching his brothers.

"Bhrata Yudhishthir." he said, sugar-coating his words though it seemed he were spitting poison. "Maharaj Yudhishthir."

"Bhrata is fine, Duryodhan." Yudhishthir said graciously.  "Mata Gandhari says you have been toiling for our pleasures."

"Oh, it was nothing." Duryodhan waved it off with a flick of his hand. "I had to welcome the royal family of Indraprasth, didn't I?"

"Dushasan, what sort of manners are these?" Duryodhan turned to his brother, who was standing apart with a frown on his face. "Welcome our brothers, come."

Dushasan reluctantly approached his brothers, seeking blessings in turn, but never fully touching their feet. His gestures were mechanical, devoid of genuine respect.

"And of course," Duryodhan walked over to where the women were standing, a malevolent grin plastered on his face. "How could I forget, Maharani Draupadi and Yadavi Subhadra."

Duryodhan found himself in a painful position. In front of him were the two women he had tried to win and marry, and yet both were married to his mortal enemies. Their presence was a stark reminder of his failures and his rivals' triumphs. Draupadi exchanged a glance with Subhadra. She spoke, "Bhrata Duryodhan, if your welcoming formalities are over, shall we proceed inside?"

"Of course, Maharani." Shakuni intervened, placing a hand on Duryodhan's shoulder. "We shall proceed inside."

The grand dining hall of Hastinapur was filled with laughter and the clinking of golden goblets as the Pandavs and Kauravs shared a hearty meal. The aroma of sumptuous dishes wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of fresh flowers adorning the tables. Servants moved gracefully, refilling plates and goblets, ensuring the guests wanted for nothing. Despite the seemingly convivial atmosphere, a palpable tension simmered just below the surface.

As the meal progressed, Duryodhan leaned back in his chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. He raised his goblet and took a deliberate sip, his eyes narrowing at Subhadra, who was conversing joyfully with Maharani Gandhari.

"Excuse me for coming in a tad late." a man entered the hall, and Arjun visibly stiffened. He captured everyone's attention, the radiance of the Sun god himself emanating from him. Bhishm rose to speak, but was cut off rudely by Duryodhan, who rose to greet his friend. 

"Mitra Karn, I'm glad you could join us." he said, embracing his friend.

As he walked further into the hall, Karna's gaze swept across the gathered guests, finally resting on Arjun. There was a moment of silent recognition, a meeting of two formidable rivals whose fates were intertwined by destiny.

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