Seven Lifetimes

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Tu ruh hai to me kaaya banu

Ta umra me tera saaya banu.

Kehde to ban jau beiraag me,

Kehde to me teri maaya banu.

Tu saaz hai, me raagini,

Tu raat hai, me chandni......


She sat in front of her dresser, the maids adorning her with golden jewellery. Her reflection in the mirror was almost unrecognizable, yet undeniably radiant. The crimson red lehenga she wore was intricately embroidered with gold thread, each pattern telling a story of tradition and heritage. The fabric shimmered with every slight movement, catching the light and reflecting it in a thousand tiny, sparkling flecks.

Subhadra's maids moved with practiced precision, their hands deftly working to secure the final touches of her bridal ensemble. The necklace they fastened around her neck was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, its delicate jewel work studded with rubies and pearls that cascaded down to her collarbone. Her ears were adorned with matching earrings, heavy but elegant, adding to the regal aura she exuded.

Her makeup was subtle yet striking, highlighting her natural beauty. A hint of kohl lined her lotus petal-shaped eyes, making them appear larger and more expressive. Her lips were painted a rosy colour, a shade that highlighted her attire and signified the auspiciousness of the occasion.

As her brown hair was artfully arranged, the maids left a few tendrils to frame her face, softening her look and giving her an ethereal quality. Her hands, decorated with intricate mehndi designs on which sat the golden bangles they slipped onto her wrists which jingled softly, a melodious accompaniment to the rustle of her garments.

A final touch was added as a delicate maang tikka was placed gently on her forehead, its chain blending seamlessly into her hairline and drawing attention to her expressive eyes. The dupatta, heavily embellished with golden embroidery, was draped over her head, completing her transformation from a simple princess to a resplendent bride.

Devaki and Rohini, her two mothers, entered the room, their eyes immediately welling with tears as they saw Subhadra transformed into a breath-taking bride. The emotions in their hearts were a complex blend of joy, pride, and a touch of melancholy, all surfacing at the sight of their beloved daughter standing on the brink of a new journey.

Devaki stepped forward first, touching Subhadra's cheek, years of maternal care in one single touch. "Seems just like yesterday I held you for the first time." she said softly, kissing her forehead. Rohini placed a hand on Devaki's shoulder. "She is just how I imagined she would be."

The mothers didn't get a chance to let their emotions flow freely as Subhadra's sisters in law entered at the right time, all excluding joy. "You look.....perfect." Satyabhama said simply, touching Subhadra's arm.

Rukmini, standing beside her, beamed with pride and admiration. "You're glowing," she added, her eyes sparkling with genuine affection. Subhadra smiled.

"Come on, it's time." Mitravinda and Lakshmana came forward, helping her up.

Subhadra took a deep breath, taking one last long look around her. Her people, her chamber, her city. Every corner held memories of her childhood, her growth, and the quiet moments of reflection. The walls seemed to whisper her secrets, the bed to cradle her dreams, and the dresser to hold her countless transformations.

Her gaze moved to her people, the maids who had lovingly adorned her with the finest jewels, now standing with soft smiles and respectful bows. They had served her faithfully, witnessed her joys and sorrows, and now looked at her with pride and best wishes.

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