The Scheme

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Location: The Palace of Hastinapur. In the dark depths of the lowest parts of the palace, an plot is hatching, the brainchild of the master schemer Gandhar-raj Shakuni and his two nephews, Duryodhan and Dushasan.

"I can't take this, mamashree!" Duryodhan roared, slamming his fist on the table, the objects clattering and falling to the floor. "Khandavprasth, a deserted land, is now the city of Indraprasth, home to the Mayamahal."

"We've done everything we could do to finish them," Dushasan seethed. "How? how to they come out of it unscathed. How?"

"Patience, my dear nephews." Shakuni said, his face contorted in deep concentration. He had that look on his face, one which foretold his plotting. "It is true the Pandavs are gaining power. We have to do something."

"We have to finish them off!" Duryodhan roared. Shakuni chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"No, Duryodhan." he said. "We need not waste our energies on trying to kill them."

"Then what do we do, mamashree?" Dushasan argued. "We can't let them win."

"We have to look at this from a political perspective." Shakuni said thoughtfully, the gears in his brain already turning, ready to produce a new scheme. "Look at the long-term. They will try and gain the support of as many kings as they can for the war."

"We have kings for the support of Hastinapur," Duryodhan said. 

"No, no, no, dear Duryodhan." Shakuni said, an evil smile forming on his lips. "Getting support is one thing. Making sure that support stays with you no matter what, is another game plan."

"What do you mean?"

"The only way to make sure kings do not leave to go to the other party is by placing political pressure on them." Shakuni said. "When one can do nothing with the political, they make it personal."

Duryodhan and Dushasan exchanged looks of confusion.

Shakuni laughed, the sound ringing through the dark bowels of the palace. "Make it personal, Duryodhan! Personal, ha!" he calmed down. "I speak of political alliances. Marriage, if you will."

"How does that have anything to do with-"

"Which king will raise their weapons against their son-in-law?" Shakuni questioned. "Which king would try and harm his daughter's husband, doom her to the life of a widow?"

It dawned on Duryodhan. His expression switched from confusion to excitement. "What do you suggest we do?"

"Dwarkadheesh Krishna is a close ally of the Pandavs due to his relationship with Arjun." Shakuni said thoughtfully. "We have to snag Dwarka out of their political reach- perhaps after a great loss like that, they will not wage a war- I don't see them raising their weapons against Krishna of all people, do you?"

"No, I do ....not." Duryodhan said. "How do we make Dwarka an ally? Krishna is already friends with Arjun."

"You look at the wrong person." Shakuni said. "Krishna is friends with Arjun, but Balram is not a friend to anyone....yet."

Shakuni's eyes glinted with evil mischief. "Balram is fond of mace fighting, he is a practitioner of the art as well. Go to him, ask him to make you his disciple. Learn everything he teaches you, become extremely close to him, and when you get the chance-"

Shakuni took a deep breath, quietening his raging vile thoughts. "Balram and Krishna have a sister, Subhadra. Test the waters. When the time is right, ask Balram for her hand in marriage. But-remember, paint yourself as an extremely good hearted man, for Balram is very careful. Make him believe that his sister can find no better man than yourself."

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