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Location: The Palace of Indraprasth. The majestic Queen of the Pandavs sits on her dressing table, her mind preoccupied with thoughts. 

An attendant entered and brought her the news that her third husband, Prince Arjun has been dutifully wedded to the Princess of Dwarka. Panchali was pleased to realise he sought her permission for this wedding. He had of course, in the course of his exile married two other women but he hadn't sought her permission then. The thought that kept cropping up in her mind was, why now?

"Arjun writes to ask for your permission for his wedding to the Princess of Dwarka, Panchali." Maharaj Yudhishthir had said. His wife raised her eyebrows. 

"My permission?" she asked. "He can marry her if he wishes to."

So it did come as a bit of an angry shock to her when another attendant came to inform her that Prince Arjun was on his way to Indraprasth with his wife. Panchali had not signed up for this when she married all of them, they had promised no other wife of theirs would set foot in this palace as long she remains their Queen.

Maybe it was time to tell Prince Arjun and his wife what she was all about.


The newlyweds arrived at the pristine gates of the city of Indraprasth. Subhadra's eyes widened as she took in the Palace of Illusions. It was indeed crafted by Vishwakarma, the architect of the gods. Arjun glanced at his wife, chuckling at her widened eyes. This would be their home.

"I'll go ahead first and speak to Panchali." he told her gently. "Wait here."

Subhadra nodded, feeling a strange mix of anxiety and excitement. Minutes flew by, increasing the unsettling feeling in her heart. This quickly turned into dread when her husband reappeared, his face crestfallen. He looked completely and utterly defeated. 

Subhadra dismounted the chariot, walking swiftly towards him. "Arya, what happened?" she questioned nervously. "What happened?"

He wouldn't even meet her eyes. When he did, she saw that they were filled with tears. "She....won't listen to me." he choked out, gulping. "She thinks I have failed her by breaking the promise."

Subhadra's heart sank. She had known this would be difficult, but seeing Arjun, one of the greatest warriors and her beloved husband, so shattered was more than she had prepared for. She took his hands in hers, trying to infuse some strength into him.

"Look at me," she said, her voice shaking. "I will speak to her."

"No," he looked at her, his eyes filled with fear and desperation. "Her anger is a semblance of the fire god himself. She can burn down anything with just a glance. I cannot bear to see you hurt by her wrath."

"She said if I had to stay with you, I'd have to leave Indraprasth." he said, his very frame shaking with the thought. "I'd have to leave my mother, my kingdom....I can't do that, Subhadra. I can't leave you alone, either."

Subhadra's heart ached at Arjun's words. She could see the turmoil in his eyes, the fear of losing everything he held dear, and the desperation of being caught between his duty to his family and his love for her. The choice he was being forced to make was unbearable. She could see the depth of his love for both his family and for her, and it pained her to see him in such a state.

Subhadra held his gaze, her determination unwavering. "Panchali is no ordinary woman." he sighed, his shoulders slumping. "She is a headstrong queen. I should've seen this coming. By having you here, she feels like her position will diminish in my eyes. do I tell her it won't?"

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