Chloë's POV

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"Okay everybody that's the end of our class today. Have a great day and I hope to see you all again next week", the teacher says. Classes are finally done for the week and we can go home. I go to my car and see Alice in front of it waiting for me. "Ready for the weekend?", she asks me when I arrive next to her. "Yes, I'm so glad that this week is finally over", I answer. "Same here", she responds. We get in my car and drive to her house where we hang out for a bit before I go home. 

It's Saturday and I'm getting ready to pick Alice up to go to a small house party from one of our classmates. I don't really like going out but Alice asked if I could be her ride so I agreed. When we arrive at the house, we find a place where I can safely park my car for the evening. We get out of the car and go to the house of our classmate. Alice knocks on the door and Valerie, our classmate, opens the door. Alice and her are good friends who have known  each other for a very long time already, while I can't stand her and vice versa. Valerie gives me a dirty look before letting us enter her house. "Why did you need to bring her?", I hear her ask Alice. "Oh come on Val let her be, give her a chance and you'll see that she isn't as bad as you think", Alice responds. 

We enter the living room and see a lot of people already sitting there. "Okay guys, can I introduce you to Alice?", Valerie asks, completely ignoring me. Everybody greets her while I notice something. I know all of these people here because we went to the same high school. I also notice both my exes sitting in the room. One of them was from high school and the other is now Valeries boyfriend. One of the girls recognized me and came over to hug me. "OMG hey how have you been?", she asks me. "I've been fine, what about you?", I respond. We have some small talk for a while before I notice Alex, one of my exes, staring. I decide to not pay much attention to him so that he doesn't get the wrong idea. I hear Valerie explaining to Alice that she met the others in college before she switched to our college. We all talk with each other before Trent, the other ex, proposes to play truth or dare. "Isn't that a kids game?", Mia, the friend who hugged me, asks. "Oh we don't play the normal version, we play the version where you have to take of your clothes if you don't want to answer or do the thing asked", Valerie exclaims. "The rules are pretty simple; if you don't want to answer or do the thing, you need to take off one clothing item. There is a limit tho and that is you don't have to take off your underwear out of respect for privacy. Something else worth mentioning is that when you help someone doing a dare you are allowed to put a piece back on", Trent explains quickly. 

Everybody agrees and we decide who is going to start asking a question by spinning a bottle. The bottle lands on Yasmine, so she gets to ask first. The game has been going on for some time before I hear my name being called. I look up and see Trent smirking. "Truth or dare?", he asks. "Truth", I answer. "Do you still think about me?" I look him in the eyes and his smirk grows even more. "Who said I ever thought about you?", I question him. "But if you really want a yes or no, then no I never think about you", I continue. His smirk drops and a tension fills the air. After I ask the next person, the game continues on. Some people are really good at asking questions which sometimes results in surprising answers. A while later Valerie can ask a question. She chooses me and I respond with truth again. "How does it feel, knowing that you don't have anybody around who actually likes you?" I stand up and take off my sweater. Valerie looks at me like she won the lottery by asking that question. I notice some people staring at me, which freaks me out a bit. It's probably because I changed a lot since high school. I lost a lot of weight and started feeling better in my body. The other thing is that I usually wear bigger clothes (like my sweater) but my shirt is a cropped and skintight.

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