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"You're really good at arranging picnics." Wisteria complimented as he watched Azure finish his work, who simply nodded. "Thank you." He replied, getting up and dusting his hands off. "Is this how picnics are usually done?" Error asked as he turned towards Dream, who nodded. Error couldn't help but find it quite amusing how you put food on the floor, with only a single blanket being the space seperating the food from the ground. "Is picnics just sitting and eating like this outside?" Error asked once more.

"Sometimes yeah. Other times though, there's activities you can do other than sitting and eating." Prism explained as he stretched his arms. "Like what?"

"Like exploring the mountain, taking pictures, making up games to play with your friends or maybe even jumping down the cliff." Comet listed, with the last one being said in a joking tone and Error stared at Comet, "Can you actually jump down the cliff?" Error asked and Comet stared at Error. "N-No? I was just joking about that Error." "Oh..."

"Don't tell me you were actually planning it, darling." Rose asked in concern and Error gave a sheepish smile. "Sounded fun." Error shrugged and Azure shook his skull at Error. "Don't repeat what you did back at the mountain Error. There was a lot of snow so you were able to survive. But there's a lot of stones here this time, we cannot guarantee your survival." Azure sighed and Error nodded. "Alright, alright... It's not like I was actually planning to..." Error pouted a bit.

It's probably best that they don't know that he was actually ready to jump. There was just something about cliff diving that sounded extremely fun, like he's done it before... before the cliff at the snowy land anyways.

"Good. We can't have you injured on our watch." Prism nodded at Wisteria's comment. "Yeah! Wisteria's right. You're quite a good person after all." Prism chirped and Error stared at Prism. "A... good person...?" Error mumbled in confusion, as if the concept of being nice was foreign. "Yeah. You're very nice... At least, that was my first impression of you." Comet chuckled lightly and Error slowly nodded, though his thoughts differ from his actions.

"They're telling the truth, Error." Dream spoke softly and Error turned to the Emperor. "The way you act and talk to my court members makes you quite nice in my eyes." Dream chuckled and Error nods once more. "Well... whatever you guys say I guess..." Error then leaned against a nearby tree as Rose and Wisteria sat down on the blanket. Azure grabbing something from the basket and feeding it to Dewberry.

"From the looks of it, something must've happened to him to make him subconsciously skeptical of his own niceness." Prism spoke softly as he sat down with Wisteria and Rose. "Poor honey... many things about this isn't normal..." Rose replied in the same manner of concern and Wisteria nodded, unbeknownst to the three that Error could hear their words.

'Something had happened huh...' Error thought as he glanced up at the sky, resisting the urge to frown and simply just keeping his expression neutral, but his emotions were in a turmoil of confusion and disbelief. Dream couldn't help but sigh at the emotions he's feeling from Error, concerned of his well being.

Ah, he couldn't tell if Error losing his memories is a good or bad thing the more he gets to know the glitching skeleton.


"Here Error, you should try this." Wisteria spoke as he carefully handed a platter towards Error, who carefully took it and stared at it for a moment. "... What is it...?" Error mumbled in curiosity. "It's called a flan, darling." Rose explained, handing Error a fork.

"A Flan...? Looks jiggly." Erroe commented, lightly shaking the plate while taking the fork, seeing it move just a bit. "But it doesn't seem to be a gelatin..." Error couldn't help but hum in curiosity before taking a bite. Good thing he had already eaten a chocolate dessert before this so he doesn't feel the need to throw up the food. Error's eyes sparkled a bit at the taste.

"It's sweet!" Error exclaimed excitedly and Rose smiled at that. "Isn't it?" Prism simply glanced away from Error after choking on the macaron he's eating. Those from the court ignored the blush on his skull while Error was too busy relishing the treat to care... Not that he would even know what that is indicating anyway.

"I'm glad you liked it, darling. I made it myself." Rose smiled and Error looked at Rose in surprise, before smiling. "I see. Thank you for this, Rose." Error hummed and Rose blushed lightly, but smiled back. "It's no problem darling."

"Rose has been quite good with making sweets." Dream commented with a chuckle and Error turned to him, stuffing his mouth with another forkful. "You seem to have quite the sweet tooth, your highness." Error commented and Dream stared at him in surprise. Error, somehow knowing that Dream would most likeely ask another question next, quickly interrupted the Emperor. "The way you said it made it quite obvious that you eat sweets a lot." Error hummed and Prism snickered a bit. "My lord does eat quite a lot of sweets." Azure sighed lightly and Error smiled a bit when he heard the slight disappointted tone in the general's voice.

"Hey, it's a good stress reliever." Dream attempted to rebut but Comet was already 'tsk'ing in a playful tone. "My my, our lord is a lost cause when it commmes to sweets." Comet sighed and Dream felt a blush appeaar on his face. "You guys!" Dream huffed in a slight childish tone. "Should I have to tone down with the sweets making then?" Rose couldn't help but smile playfully at their lord, who gasped, as if favorite toy was taken away. "No."

The court then bursted into laughter asides from Azure, Rose and Wisteria after that, with Dream just sighing and rubbing his nasal bone. "Ah, you lot sure are a handful sometimes." Dream mumbled while Azure simply shook his skull and Rose giggled. "You guys don't seem to be that strict with each other huh...?" Error couldn't help but whisper softly to Wisteria as he stared at the lighthearted scene, wondering if he could ever be able to witness a similar scenes in the Moon Empire.

"It's because we're quite close with the Lord... and it's not often we get to see the Lord let loose like this really, so whenever one of us manages to tease him, we make sure to keep the fun going." Wisteria nodded while whispering back, smiling gently at Error, who slowly nods.

"Is His Highness not allowed to let his feelings out like this?" Error softly asked in concern and Rose shook his skull. "The Empire is quite a mess right now so Lord Dream has to make sure that he's the ray of hope for the people he's ruling over. He can't show that he's struggling or having fun, as the people of the nation could possibly jeer at him for being at ease when there's a crisis going on." Rose whispered quietly back and Error frowned a bit.

Why does it feel so familiar...

"But hey, he's having fun right now, that's all that matters to us." Wisteria hummed and Rose smiled lightly as Dream covers his blushing face.

"I see... if that's the case, then I'm glad that he's able to have fun like this." Error whispered softly and Rose and Wisteria nodded. "It's why we sometimes arrange breaks like this for the Lord after all." Wisteria smiled at Error, who slowly nodded.

He guesses that that's also one of the things you could do on picnics then.

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* Grrrrr It's 2 am I'm supposed to be asleep but fuck it lmao

* I am in physical pain though uuughhhh, the entire week is just full of hikes and walks like dayum gravy vacations galore lol

* But anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chappy chap!

* By the way, you guys are probably confused about some characters so far so once I post the fun facts stuff, I'll be posting the names of the characters and what Sans AU they arw so you guys could refresh your hard drive- I mean meemory uwu

* Adioss~!

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