The Grind

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Zac woke up early and made Halo breakfast, he got her ready and placed her in the playroom while he showered and got ready for his clients for the day! He had been driving around in one of Jake's company trucks so today was the day that he buys his own truck! He fed Halo and ate his bagel and drunk his coffee while she drunk her juice! He grabbed her bag and his suitcase and went to put her and everything else in the truck! He went to Fatima's door and grabbed Isiah and his bag! He kissed her on the forehead and told her to have a nice day! They came to an agreement that Zac would drop them off since he goes in later and Fatima would pick them up since she gets off early! It worked out perfectly! Zac drove the babies to Daycare!

Danni's Kiddie Adventure

Danni, "Good Morning Zac! Good Morning Halo & Isiah"!

Zac, "Good Morning Danni! They're in good spirits today! *Zac kissed both babies and put them down on the mat!" "Have a nice day! T will be picking them up!"

Sabrina, "Have a nice day!"

Zac left and headed to the Real Estate office!

Fatima was in court! She had been in court for 30 minutes and she already knew the verdict based of the judges attitude towards her client!

Judge Carrington, "I sentence you to 30 days of Anger Management or Jail"!

Fatima, "We will take Anger Management Judge Carrington!"

Judge Carrington, "That's fine Mr. Santiago during this time I need you to do some soul searching! If you complete all terms of our agreement and finish Anger Management in its entirety I will expunge your record! Case Dismissed!"

Fatima's client was actually relieved because all he wanted was a clean slate and if he completes anger management he'll have just that! Fatima considered it a win and she left the court room!

Zac has had a busy morning! He's closed on three houses and he picked up his construction license this morning for his business "Taylor's Construction" he hired a couple of licensed men and sent them to several locations to complete jobs while he hands his real estate affairs! He considers it a win win because he's able to make money while making money! Zac was so busy working he didn't realize that he hasn't had lunch!

Phone Call

Zac, "Hey Beautiful!"

Fatima, "Hey, Have you eaten lunch?"

Zac, "No I was just about to ask you the same thing!"

Fatima, "No can you meet me at Marty's Bistro in an hour!"

Zac, "Yeah I'll be there beautiful!"

Zac asked Jake to drop him off at the dealership to pick up his new truck he knew it would take about 45 minutes to complete the rest of his paperwork and 10 minutes to get to the Bistro from there! He signed all the paperwork in perfect timing and drove off the lot in his 2025 Escalade IQ!

Zac asked Jake to drop him off at the dealership to pick up his new truck he knew it would take about 45 minutes to complete the rest of his paperwork and 10 minutes to get to the Bistro from there! He signed all the paperwork in perfect timing an...

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He drove to the Bistro and waited for Fatima! He knew Fatima's truck because she had a 2024 Mercedes-Benz-G-Class SUV and it was burgundy!

He drove to the Bistro and waited for Fatima! He knew Fatima's truck because she had a 2024 Mercedes-Benz-G-Class SUV and it was burgundy!

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She pulled up and he opened the doors for her!

Fatima, "Zac where's your truck?"

Zac, "I parked around back come on woman I know you're hungry!"

Zac and Fatima sat down and discussed how their day was going so far! Zac informed Fatima that he started his construction business today and he's partnering with Jake's Real Estate Business and Tony's Architectural Firm and she was excited for him! Zac finished his degree in Construction Management right before Halo was born but was unable to completely follow his dreams because he didn't have the money!

Fatima, "See honey! You are somebody!"

Zac, "Yeah I believe it now T! Thank you for believing in me!"

Fatima, "Zac I'll always believe in you! I got you!"

Zac, "How did court go?"

Fatima, "Better than I expected I can actually consider it a win so I'm happy about that!"

Zac, "Well that's good! I know your lunch is ending so I'll see you at 5!"

Fatima, "Okay Zac!"

Zac walked Fatima to her car and he kissed her forehead! He watched her drive away and then he got in his truck and drove off!"

The rest of the day went by Fast! Fatima picked the babies up at 4 and then she took them to the park for a While she lost track of time so when she pulled up Zac was Mowing the yard and her hormones were ragging! She took the babies in her house! She bathed and Fed them then she took her bathe! Zac had already went in his house to shower and started a load of clothes before he went to go get Halo!

Fatima, "umm *biting her lip* She's in the room with Isiah! Zac whose truck is this?"

Zac, "It's mine I got it today!"

Fatima,"It's nice I see you're trying to match my fly!"

Zac, "It was hard but I did it!"

They laughed and played with the babies until about 8:30pm and then they both retired for the night!

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