Ma Ma

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Fatima kissed Zac on the forehead and slipped a picture she had Madam take of her, Isiah and Halo at the party into his pocket! She said a small prayer for him and her and Andi walked out of the room!

Fatima, "Andi I can't just leave him here he has a baby to think about and credit card fraud could land him in Jail for 1 to 5 years!"

Andi, "I know Tima! Looking at the surveillance there's nothing we can do to prove his innocence at the moment! I don't like it as much as you but he's going to have to stay here tonight!"

Fatima, "Andi I don't like this at all!"

Andi, "T I know but we will get him out of here I just need to make a few calls!"

Fatima and Andi left and headed back to the park! Andi was on the phone and Fatima was sick on the stomach! The thought of Zac sitting in jail for something he didn't do wasn't sitting right with her!

As they pulled up everyone appeared to be a nervous wreck waiting on news about Zac! Fatima stepped out the car and she threw up! Danni brought her a bottle of water!

Danni, "Where's Zac?"

Fatima grabbed the water and headed to the tent to lay down!

Andi, "They're trying to hold him for 30 days based on a bogus ass surveillance video that doesn't even show the face of the man who really did it!"

Danni, "30 days that's a reach!"

Jake, "Can they do that?"

Andi, "They are claiming they can on grounds that his probation was supposed to end today and the business day hasn't ended!"

Tony, "That's insane!"

Angela, "Is T okay?"

Andi, "Actually she isn't! She needs us right now!"

Danni handed Halo to Jake and the ladies walked into the tent! Fatima was lying on the pallet crying!

Haven spoke first, "Booga baby are you okay?"

Fatima, "No mama Zac is a good man!"

Heaven, "We know that baby! Andi is working really hard to get him out!"

Marilyn, "I don't even know him that well and I got a feeling he didn't do it! I have my connects looking into it!"

Sabrina, "Fatima it's going to be okay we are going to get him out!"

Fatima, "You should've seen the hurt in his eyes when  he realized he wouldn't be coming home tonight and his daughter was looking for him! He just broke down and there was nothing I could do!"

Danni, "You like him huh?"

Fatima, "All I'm going to say is he's not perfect but he's perfect for me!"

Andi, "Robin is supposed to call me back and we will see what's his bail set at and go from there!"

Madea, "Chile have you eaten you need to put something on your stomick"!

Fatima, "I'm not hungry Madea!"

Haven, "Booga baby you need to eat! You're going to make yourself sick!"

Heaven,"Then you'll be no good to help Zac if you're in the hospital! Now come on let's go eat! You need some sunlight anyways! You're looking pale!"

The women helped Fatima up and they came out the tent! All eyes were on the women!

Isiah, "Ma Ma *reaching up for Fatima*!

Fatima picked him up, "Hey Boodie *kissing his jaw*"

Halo came over from Jake and tapped on Tima's leg!

Fatima, "Hey Pooh!"

Halo, "Ma Ma! *reaching for Fatima*"!

Fatima picked up Halo! Halo gave Fatima a kiss on the Jaw! "Aww thank you Pooh I needed that!"

Everyone was watching in admiration, motherhood looked good on Fatima and she was loving every moment of it! They wanted to give Fatima a moment alone with the babies so they walked away!

Karen pulled up to the park and Fatima was the first one to see her!

Fatima, "WTF are you doing here?"

Karen, "I came to get my daughter reaching for Halo!"

Halo, "No Ma Ma *holding on tight to Fatima*"!

Fatima, "You aren't taking this baby anywhere!"

Karen, "I'm her mom and I know her Dad is in jail so she's leaving with me!"

Karen tried to grabbed Halo again and she started screaming, "Nooo Ma Ma *holding Fatima tighter*"

Fatima pushed Karen back, "Her Dad left her with me and that's exactly where she will stay until he comes home!"

Everyone noticed the commotion and came running over!

Danni, "Karen you need to go now! There are children out here and you're making a scene!"

Karen, "I'm not leaving without my daughter"!

Fatima, "Pooh do you want to go with her!"

Halo, "No MA MA *hugging Fatima*"!

Fatima, "Well Ig you got your answer! Andi ?"

Andi, "Yes Fatima!"

Fatima, "How long will it take you to draw up a protective order to keep Ms. Mott away from Halo?"

Andi, "20 minutes at the most! I'm already on it!"

Fatima, "Well Ms. Mott you will definitely be served! You have your answer you will not be taking my daughter anywhere!"

Karen, "You can keep the lil bastard! I didn't want her anyways!" *walking off*

Everyone decided to move the celebration to Fatima's house so they packed up and headed there!

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