The House

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Fatima pulled up right at 12 and Zac was waiting!

Zac had been at the house most of the time because he was packing all their things to transport to the other house! He knew Fatima would love it! Hell she decorated it! He hired someone to put the clothes, shoes and accessories away and he had groceries delivered so she could stock the fridge and the freezers!

Zac, "Well Hello Beautiful! Perfect Timing!"

Fatima, "Hello Handsome!"

Jake, "Wassup T!"

Fatima, "Jake what are you doing here?"

Jake, "Zac asked me to take your truck to get it detailed!"

Fatima, "Okay *handing him the keys*

Jake, "I'll have it back before it's time for pick up!"

Fatima, "Alright Thank You!"

Fatima was a little confused because she had just had her car detailed but she wasn't going to question Zac especially if he thought enough of her to get it done!

Zac, "Alright turn around so I can blind fold you!"

Fatima turned around and Zac placed the blindfold on her eyes! He had visited the house earlier to put the finishing touches on her woman cave so he knew it was ready! Zac helped Fatima into his truck and then he drove off! The house was a block away from their houses and Fatima was a little anxious! They pulled up and he helped her out the truck!

Fatima, "Zac I'm becoming impatient!"

Zac, "Yeah I know just give me a minute!"

Jake parked Fatima's truck in the garage and walked down the sidewalk to his truck leaving!

Zac, "Fatima I just want you to know exactly what you, your family and Isiah mean to me! I'm so grateful to have each one of you in my life and after I show you this I hope you know exactly what you mean to me!"

Zac pulled the blindfold off Fatima's eyes!

Fatima, "This is the house you had us design!"

Zac, "Yes it is and it's ours!"

Fatima, "Ours?"

Zac, "Yes! I wanted all of us to be under the same roof so I bought us a house!"

Fatima hugging Zac, "Omg Zac! Thank You!"

Zac, "Don't thank me yet! You haven't been the inside!"

Fatima, "Yes I have! We decorated it!"

Zac, "Yeah you have but not without my magic touch! Here's your keys, remote for the garage and passcodes!"

Fatima walked up the stairs and unlocked the door! She started crying instantly looking at the portrait Zac painted!

Fatima, "Omg this is so beautiful Zac!"

Zac, "Thank you! Now let's tour downstairs and then I'll take you upstairs!"

Fatima walked with Zac slightly behind her! She was amazed at seeing his true talents displayed so beautifully and effortlessly! She walked in his man cave and absolutely loved the esthetic! When she walked into her woman cave she stopped!

Fatima, "Zac you freehanded a picture of me?" *crying*

Zac, "Of course I did beautiful! I wanted to let you know how I see you!"

Fatima, "Wow you really did your big one!"

They walked out and went upstairs! The more she toured the house the more in love she was with everything especially Halo and Isiah's room! They made their way back downstairs and Fatima had to take a seat!

Zac, "Are you okay beautiful?"

Fatima with tears in her eyes, "No one has ever done anything like this for me before!"

Zac, "Fatima you deserve the moon and the stars and if I could reach up there and grab them I would! You're so deserving of much more!"

Fatima, "Aww Zac!" *Standing up hugging him*

When Fatima looked into Zac's eyes she seen the man she had prayed for! The man who would put all his troubles aside and carry hers! The man who would tote the weight of the world on his shoulders just to make sure she was straight!

Fatima kissed Zac! The kiss was sweet, delicate, and passionate! When they pulled away the fire inside both of them had their adrenaline flowing! She wanted more and so did he but now was not the time because they needed to pick the kids up from Daycare!

Although the kids were with Fatima's parents and auntie and uncle, they agreed to pick them up from daycare and take them to the park everyday before dropping them off to them! They knew they would miss them too much! Zac and Fatima headed out looking the door! He helped her into the truck and they drove off!

Fatima, "Zac what about my truck?"

Zac, "It's in the garage!"

Fatima, "What about our things?"

Zac, "Everything has already been transferred and the groceries have been stock! I already posted both houses up for rent and we already have two offers!"

Fatima, "When did you do that?"

Zac, "Right after I bought the house!"

Fatima, "So you had everything figured out huh?"

Zac, "Yes I did! I didn't want you to have to worry about anything!"

Fatima, "You're trying to be my man huh?"

Zac, "Only if you want me to be!"

Fatima, "We'll wait on that!"

Zac, "I'm a very patient man!"

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