Roasted Negro

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Zac was on Cloud 9 at work because he knew sex with Fatima was one in a million! When he arrived to work he looked at his email and seen that 5 projects he was working on was finished and his clients were happy! He also had an email for 3 more projects that would need his attention soon! He opened an attachment of pictures from his happy clients and he was more than appreciative of the work his guys had done! He sent out the rest of their funds but he knew they were working and probably wouldn't be seeing them until their lunch breaks! He was receiving a call from the guys so you know he had to catch them up on him and Fatima's extracurricular activities!

Preston, "Yoo Zac where you been at?"

Zac, "Yoo P just chillin at home!"

James, "How's everything been going?"

Zac, "It's been good honestly I have no complaints!"

Marcus, "You cheesin extra hard today NIGGA Booga must be treating you good!"

Zac mumbling, "More like the royal treatment"!

Jake, "You look funny as hell!"

Tony, "Exactly Nigga why the fucking hat man?"

Zac, "I'm trying something new!"

Bayo, "I like it man! It fits you!"

Zac, "Thanks man!"

Rafael, "You a little too happy Nigga!"

Amp, "Exactly did Booga give you some?"

Zac, "I'm not about to pillow talk with you NIGGAS"!

Marcus, "Hold on nie young blood!"

James, "Let his ass know! We can tell him a thang or two about some pussy!"

Zac, "Yooo that's your daughter and niece! Y'all really tryna hear this shit!"

Amp, "And my cousin! That don't stop shit! We are still a family!"

Rafael, "What happened Zac?"

Zac, "Well since you niggas put it like that! I gave her ass an ultimatum!"

Marcus, "Did this nigga just say what I think he did?"

James, "Hell yeah and I'll tell you now them wheels I'm Booga head is turning like a mf!"

Bayo, "Bruh you shouldn't have did that!"

Preston, "Exactly!"

Jake, "This nigga ain't even in and he already fucking up!"

Tony, "Going out real sad! That shit don't work!"

Amp, "Exactly if anything you probably just pissed her off even more"!

Rafael, "I thought you was about to say you did some shit! Nigga that's the quickest way to kick sex right out the window!"

All the men, "Exactly"!

Zac, "Do you niggas want to hear what I have to say? Or are y'all just prepared to jump down my damn throat!"

Joe, "Son you done fucked up! You not getting the bootay"!

James, "We listening with your soft ASS!"

Zac, "Like I was saying, I gave her an ultimatum! She only had two options! Either we make love ONE TIME and she sleeps alone or we don't and I continue cuddling her every night!"

Marcus, "If I know BOOGA she chose option #3!"

Zac, "That's what you think!"

Amp, "You mean to tell me she chose one of your options?"

Zac, "Hell yeah! Actually she chose option #1"!

Jake, "So y'all had sex?"

Zac, "We did and we both agreed it would only happen one time!"

Tony, "One time?"

Preston, "She's going to kill you!"

Bayo, "Bury you!"

Rafael, "And arrange your funeral"!

Everyone started laughing!

Zac, "Nah we agreed but that's not even the half of it!"

Marcus, "What else happened?"

Zac, "She started trippin hard asf!"

James, "Wym trippin?"

Zac, "She said I was looking good and then asked me if I had female clients today!"

Jake, "Oh yeah you fucked!"

Tony, "She finna be on your ass!"

Amp, "I'm with the guys on this! Just like unc said them gears turning!"

Preston, "And right about now she's wondering if you're smiling in another woman's face!"

Zac, "I felt her energy before I left! I basically filled her up and told her I'll be working late!"

Rafael, "Yeah you done fucked up! T finna be wondering if you're really working all day!"

Bayo, "You left her like that!"

Joe, "Playa, Playa what the hell?"

Zac, "Man I already know what type of time she on! Plus when she asked me about the clients I avoided answering and then I basically called her jealous!"

Joe, "Oh he finna be a roasted negro!"

Preston, "I'm just trying to rap my head around all of this"!

Amp, "Yeah so you fucked her!"

Jake, "Filled her up"!

Tony, "and told her you'll be working late!"

James, "Yeah we might as well dig this nigga a grave now!"

Marcus, "Hell yeah I'll do the tombstone! It'll say, "She loved him to death!"

Everyone started laughing!

Rafael, "I got to hand it to you! That shit was smooth!"

Bayo, "Hell yeah Dumb asf but smooth!"

Zac, "She wanted to wait and take things slow so I agreed then she started filling me up and shit and it just happened but when I said ONE and DONE, I already knew what time it was!"

Preston, "You said that shit?"

Joe, "Yeah we finna gone plan the memorial! My sign gone say, "It was her heart in her chest that stopped his heart in his chest from beating!"

Everyone was dying laughing at Joe! The conversation progressed and Zac finished up his paperwork before leaving the office to check in on his guys!

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