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The Time Me And Dooka met a Crazy capybara: book 4, part 12.

W/ Julian and Sgt. Rudo

Setting: in the old, vandalized, walls with bullet holes in them, military base, resuming their journey.

No One's POV/3RD Person.

Julian slowly trudged behind Sgt. Rudo who had seemed to move on from Daisy's death rather quickly.. Weird. Julians eyes fleeted downwards to his feet in shame, he sighed and carried on. He couldn't help but shed a tear. And That drove him insane. He always hated crying.. He hardly ever cries most of the time. He felt like it was a waste. He figured that he shouldn't be so weak, that's why he promised himself to never do it again. But now, he couldn't hold it back anymore. He always tries to reject the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes but it always ended up with him sobbing in the end. Sgt. rudo turned to him as If Julian wasn't in the middle of a Literal breakdown, and said; "We're Going To search one more place, and after that... I don't know what to say if we don't find him,Boy." Sgt. rudo deadpans, scanning Julian's woeful face. Sgt. rudo Sighs then turns away as he continues walking. Julian wipes away his tears and speed-walks right after him. Julian's head hurts from crying so hard, (To whoever says 'it feels good after you cry' is a Liar.) Julian thought to himself, then resumed back to his original train of thought, which was finding Kennon and bringing him back. He really hopes Kennon is okay, or else he'd lose it if he ended up losing another thing that had a true, amazing purpose in his life. He sighs and speaks up weakly. "I have a question." Julian's voice cracks, he hated how stupid and meek his voice sounded. Sgt. rudo only hummed. "What are we going to do if we don't.. Ever find him?" Julian asks... Sgt. rudo exhaled, still not bothering to look back at Julian. "I don't know. I'll be honest with you on that one. Maybe move on or something." Sgt. Rudo responded with an uncertain, nonchalant 'Welp, no biggie' tone. That Made Julian's eyes flash with anger. 'Move on?' What does he mean by that? He can't mean that, Right? Or did he mean every single thing that came out of his mouth right now? Julian looks at Sgt. Rudo who had carried on with this 'Mission' Like he hadn't just practically just said he'd brush off a teenager's possible death. Julian clenched his fists but pushed back down the anger boiling inside him. ...I can't deal with this anymore. Julian thought to himself, as they continued with their journey.. It felt like an endless loophole, searching, searching, searching.. And yet again.. It's starting back up.





W/ Kennon, Alone In the conestoga wagon.

1st Person/Kennon's POV:

I sat upright in the wagon, nervous. Heart racing and pumping with adrenaline already. I flinch harder than before at the other shake. I heard soft munching from outside, it was behind the cloth of the conestoga wagon. I couldn't muster the strength and courage to look behind. 'Come on kennon, do it for your friends. Do it for these strangers.. For YOURSELF.' ( mutter quickly then pull the cloth back... A chill runs down my spine. I saw the old man, dead. His gun discarded to his far left, and not only that. It was a bloodbath, too. blood staining the grass and pooling everywhere. I could barely keep down the nausea that was rising from my stomach to my throat. I cup one hand over my mouth as I could only stare in horror. Did this mean the girl was dead too? I Can only imagine how many maggots, flies, and other living things would be surrounding this carcass. I can't believe I felt bad for the guy, even If I didn't know if he had good intentions or not. (..That's what's wrong with me.) I thought to myself, I was extremely loyal and felt sorry and wanted to save everyone.. Even if they were evil. But I can't think about that now, I have to focus on getting out of here. I felt a little worried and exhausted due to everything not being a safe place for me and the others. I felt like my life was going in a horrible, torturous down spiral that I'm just allowing myself to live in. All of this scares me and I don't feel like I'll ever be free. And I'll continue having to go through the most bizarre things most kids my age would never have to go through. That's what scares me, And I know I'm running out of time to flee. And I don't want to know what would happen to me if I stall for another 10 seconds.. If it's even possible for my situation and condition to get worse.. And I kept my word, and just got out of that wagon. My shoulder blade pain seemed to subside quite a bit, not that it wasn't still there, but EVer since an hour ago, I forgot that I even had been injured. How was that possible? Maybe it's just more than my luck.. Because I'm not so optimistic about my 'luck' right now. So I choose not to get all cocky and be on my way. As I started to leave that place, I couldn't help but think 'What caused that?' and 'What happened?' I shudder at the million possibilities.. Maybe even more of a mutated capybara? Or worse, a New Threat. Please, anything but a new threat. That would add more to our plates than anything.. But it seems that it's not the case for us.. Unfortunately. "...When will this end for us?" I murmur, then sigh, staggering down into the forest, and after minutes of walking.. I came across a creek that flowed smoothly, though it smelled quite revolting.. I decided to not focus on that and just take in the serenity that was evident in the air. Letting myself have the well-deserved peace and calmness.. I deserved to have a break, and I hope my friends are having one as well.. Just for a little while, even if it was 4 minutes.. It was needed.

To Be continued.


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