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The time me and dooka met a crazy capybara: book 2, part 15

W/ Kennon and karis:

No one's pov:

The capybara roared in agony, then swiftly turned around to face kennon. It scowled, face full of hatred and rage.  It raised one of its  claws, ready to strike down.  Kennon stared, paralyzed in fear. The capybara lunged at him.. Until it stumbled down onto the ground, landing next to kennon. A tranq dart stuck out from the capybara's flank.  The capybara revealed 3 whole people that stood behind it.  A military man, a boy... and a girl. "Mya? Julian?" Kennon said, and Karis immediately scrambled from beneath the car. "Kennon, Karis.." Mya said, the group was frozen in place, as it seemed they couldn't believe that they found each other. "GUYS!!" Julian laughed, crashing into kennon and karis.. Nearly dislodging mya in the process. Sgt. rudo turned to mya. "Those your friends?" Sgt. rudo said to mya, who slowly nodded. "Ah, thought so." Sgt. rudo said, then turned back in karis's, kennon's and julian's direction. "As much as it's heartwarming to see ya kids reunite.. We seriously gotta get on the move. That thing is gonna wake up soon." Sgt. rudo said, eyeing the unconscious capybara.  The group turned to Sgt. Rudo, with serious faces and nodded. The faster they get through this, the faster they'll get to safety.











No one's pov:

All five of them walked across the empty land.  The sound of their footsteps and the slight sniffles still present in the air, "Can we... stop by our houses one last time?"  Karis asked. Sgt. rudo looked like he wanted to say no, and he might've been considering the idea.. They were kids after all. "Sure.. but make it quick."  Sgt. rudo said, coming to a halt.  "We should go in pairs." Kennon said, the group looked at him. Kennon was silent before speaking again. "Just to be safe.. Not that this is already very risky. I just got you guys back, I don't want to be separated another time."

Kennon said, the 4 stared at him. Kennon knew what they'd probably say.. They probably wouldn't trust him.. As  he was the goofiest one of the group, and he couldn't be trusted with serious things. "Oh, Kennon. We love your suggestion.. But it's better for us to just take care of it, you should  just stay put." Kennon would imagine Karis would say... when she wasn't smacking him every chance she would get..  Kennon sighed, clenching his fists at the thought. "Kennon.. We can handle ourselves." Kennon thought of how bluntly mya would say it. Kennon rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Why should we listen to you?" Kennon thought of Julian's response. And obviously sgt. Rudo would want everyone to stick together and let him do all the work for us. As expected from an adult.  "Sure. I'm down." Mya said. Kennon stared at her in appreciation, and  Julian nodded in agreement. "Same here, it isn't the worst idea." Julian shrugged. Karis gave a thumbs up. "They're right, kennon. Great thinking!"  Karis said brightly.  The 4 turned to sgt. Rudo, who chuckled lightly. "Guess i'm outnumbered. I don't have much of an option.. So I say... sure. As long as you stay safe and don't get into any trouble... the pairs of your choice doesnt seem like a bad idea." Sgt. rudo said, and Kennon smiled. He's glad he's most likely starting to be seen as the leader now from the others.. The kennon he used to be is long gone.. He's going to help his friends get through this. Whatever it takes.

To be continued

Word count: 617

A/N: this was short but wtv, thanks for reading!

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