Chapter Two

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The stranger looks at me with an eyebrow raised with a look of amusement in his eyes. He slowly lets his hands travel up from my waist, to my arms, to finally, my face. He cups my face into his hands and brings his beautiful sculpted face to mine. "You're my mate."

"I just said that." I whispered.
He gently caresses my cheek with his thumb, then let's go of my face.

"I know that, little one." He chuckles. "Am I not allowed to come to terms with the fact that I have a mate, also?"

I chuckled at the fact that he called me 'little one'. He was a giant standing at 6'1 compared to my height of 5'2.

"What is your name, mate?" He asks.

"Stella, Stella Maloley."

He face shows surprise when I say my name. "You're the daughter of Alpha Maloley?"

I nod in response. "Is that a problem."

He takes a while to answer. "No, I don't think that's a problem."

"Well, what is your name and why were you so close to my packs territory?"

His eyes darken at the question that I have just asked. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that, mate."

I raise my eye brows and cross my arms. "Why can't you tell me. You're my mate, so the least you can do is let me know your name."

"I think it's best if you don't know that right now. I don't want you to be afraid of me." He walks towards me and takes me back into his strong arms.

I lay my head onto his chest as he caresses my mid back. "Well, what am I suppose to call you?"

"Whatever you want, but I prefer if you call me daddy."

Just the thought of calling him daddy on the daily basis has me wet. Clenching my thighs together in hopes that he can't smell my arousal.

"It seems as if my little mate is aroused." He states rather than ask.

Dammit, I've been caught. "Umm, so, I guess I'll call you John. That's a common name, right?" I try to change the subject, so we can get of the topic of my arousal.

He unwraps his arms from around me. "I guess that's a good name. It's nothing compared to my real name."

"Well, I wouldn't have to think of a name for you if you would just tell me."

He chuckles. "All in good time, little one."

"Well, if I can't get your name can I at least know how old you are?" I sigh.

I always wondered what it would be like to have a mate and as of right now I know that my mate bond won't be a normal as others because I just so happened to be paired with someone who wants to keep his identity a secret. For what reason? I have no idea, but I plan to find out. But as of right now, I'm going to figure out everything I can about 'John'.

"I am twenty, I'll be twenty one soon." He replies.

"You're only two years older than me."

He nods. "So that makes you eighteen? You look younger."

He walks over to a random tree and sits down. He reaches his hand out for mine and places me in a comfortable position on his lap.

I scoff. "I look younger than my age. This is coming from the guy that looks 25."

He laughs at my words. "You've got jokes? I see I got myself a mate with a sense of humor?"

I laugh also and look up at the sky. I suddenly remember that I need to be home and that I'm not on my territory. I stand up in a rush.

"Oh my god. I have to get home. My parents are probably looking for me. Since I'm not on our territory they can't contact me through the packs mind link!"

John grabs my arm to stop me from freaking out. "Its okay, calm down."

I slowly start to get my breathing on the right path. "Okay, I'm sorry, but I have to leave."

"Meet me here tomorrow at sunset." He tells me.

I nod. "Tomorrow at sunset, I got it."

"You can't tell anyone about me either, I'm sorry, but you just can't. I'll tell you all about it in the future."

My face sinks in disappointment. "Okay. See you tomorrow."

I walk off, sparing him one last glance. I don't understand why I'm so disappointed that I can't tell my family that I found my mate. What was I gonna tell them anyways. 'Hey, I found my mate. By the way, he's not in our pack, I don't know his name or where he's from, the only thing I know is that he's 20'. Yeah right, that would not work out.

"Stella, where the hell have you been?" My dad yells as soon as I get home. "We were about to have a pack search for you because we couldn't contact you through the mind link!"

"I'm sorry, daddy. I went on a walk that led to me being a little outside of our territory. It won't happen again I promise."

"You're damn right it won't happen again. You're grounded." My father then storms off into the house.

I turn to look at my mother. "Are you just gonna let this happen? It was an accident. Why should I be punished?"

"In sorry dear, you know how your dad is."

I sigh. "I'm going to my room. No one bother me."

This sucks. If I'm grounded then how will I be able to see John tomorrow? I guess I'll just have to sneak out. Hopefully I don't get caught.

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