Chapter Five

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I can't believe what I'm hearing. Did he just tell me he's was Rex or is my mind playing tricks on me. What the hell is going on! Words can't describe what's going on in my brain right now. Maybe because there are no words going through my head. Its complete blank because I can't even begin to process what he just told me.

"Wh-what?" I ask John or Rex or whoever he is.

"I am Rex. I'm the so called monster wolf that everyone is afraid of. I'm the one who your brother had a nightmare about a couple minutes ago. I'm the one you are mated to."

Normally in a situation like this the only natural thing to do is run from your killer mate. Can you guess what I did? That's right. I ran like hell to the other side of my room.

"Stay back!" I scream holding my hand in front of me as if it's a shield. "This is why you're so secretive, isn't it!?"

He gets up from my bed and slowly approaches me.

"I said stay back. Don't even think about coming anywhere near me, you criminal!"

He holds his arms up in a 'I surrender' way, and take a step back. "Stella, I would never hurt you. You're my mate, and to be honest, if I really wanted to hurt you I could've did it a long time ago."

"How do I know that you weren't trying to butter me up so I'll be distracted my our bond and then you'll kill me, hm?" I ask.

He raises and eyebrow. "You really think I'd do that, little one?"

"I didn't before, but now that I know who you are anything is possible."

He runs his hand through his hair in a frustrated way as he lets out a huge sigh. Rex walks to my bed taking a seat getting comfortable in his former position. He motions for me to sit beside him.

"No. I'm not coming anywhere near you."

"Stella, come sit down so we can talk. If you really didn't want me near you then you would've kicked me out as soon as you found out about my true identity. Now come sit."

I hesitated, but in the end I walked over and took a seat beside him. What he said was true. I didn't want him to go, but I was afraid to be near him since I now know who he truly is.

"Ask me anything you want because I know you have a lot of questions." His eyes are fixed on my face. By the way that he's looking at me, I know that he's going to be honest with his answers.

I clear my throat. "Are you in a pack because according to the legends you are a rogue."

He nods as he speaks. "Yes, I am a rogue, but in my many years of life I have ran across other rogues who have asked to follow my lead. I have about as many followers as you have people in your pack. So in a way, yes, I am in a pack."

I guess that's what he meant earlier when he said that he's an alpha in a way. But it doesn't explain everything.

I turn to face him and get comfortable because a lot of questions are conjuring up in my head and I plan on getting answers.

"Why is your so called pack on a territory that's so close to mine?"
Rex's face turns to stone. His dark brown eyes get even darker, almost black. "I don't think you're going to like that answer."
"I've just been told that my mate is the infamous Rex Reid that everyone has been afraid of for over 3 hundred years. I'm pretty sure that I can handle whatever you're about to tell me. Its not like you were planing to murder my whole pack or something." I roll my eyes.

Rex doesn't say anything.

"Right? You weren't planing on killing my pack, were you?" I question him.

"Oh my god! WHY!? Why do you want to kill my pack? What did we ever do to you?" I get up and start pacing around my room. "This means that if we weren't mated you would've killed me, too? Oh my gosh. I would've been dead!"

Rex stands up and grabs my shoulders, stopping me from walking a whole into my floor from all the pacing I am doing. "Stella, listen. I'm not going to kill your pack anymore, okay? It was for reasons that you don't need to know about. You wanted to know why my group was so close to your pack and I told you."

I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes. "B-but, you would've killed me." The tears start rolling down my face.

Rex gentle grabs my face and wipes my team away with the pads of his thumbs. "Little one, please don't cry. Yes, I admit that if you weren't my mate then I would be killed your pack; you included, but it would've been because I didn't know you. Now that I have found you I will protect you with everything that's in me, okay."

I sniffle and nod trying to stop crying. Just the thought of my pack dying makes me want to cry again. There are rumors about how Rex can take out a whole pack on his own. I've only seen one person from his pack, Adam, and if the rest are as big as he is then my pack would be dead in 2 seconds. Not saying that my pack is weak or anything, because were not. But rogues are known for being ruthless and having their on fighting style.

"Okay, I think I'm fine now." I take his arms in mine and move them from my face. "I think I'm going to go to bed now. It's like 4a.m."

I get in my bed and snuggle into my blanket.

"Am I allowed to sleep with you, or do you want me to leave?" Rex asks.

I don't say anything, but I hear my window opening. I turn around in bed and see him halfway out of the window.

"No, stay." I mumble.

Rex gets into my bed and gets comfortable. He wraps is arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I feel myself drifting off to sleep...

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