Chapter Sixteen

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"I'm going out with Kira today, Okay?" I tell Rex before I walk out of the front door.

It has been a week since I had befriended Kira, and it honestly feels so nice to have a female friend to talk too. As of now, we've hung out so much that she knows everything about me. It's like she can read me like a book. The only weird thing is that when I ask questions about her life, she either gives a vague answer or switches the subject. I'm not going to pressure her into telling ne anything though, I'll just wait until she feels comfortable.

"Okay, babe. I'm going to have a meeting here with the Alphas again, so I might be in my office when you get back." He gives me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing his paperwork off the counter and makes his way back into his office.

Since the last meeting that Rex and I had with the others Alphas, he has been under a lot of stress. I know he really wants us to become an official pack, but if he's stressing this much, how is he going to handle when he becomes alpha and has to make treaties with other packs or things of that sort.

I walk over to Kiras house and walk in, not bothering to knock on the door. "Kira, I'm here!" I say as I plop on her sofa.

I hear her footsteps as she descends down the stairs. "Hey, Stella. What's going on?"

She gets comfortable in the sofa that's across from me. I look at her and sigh. "You have no idea, girl. Rex is so stressed out lately and I try my best to make him less stressed, but nothing is working."

"Yeah," she says, "I would be stressed, too if I was trying to become an Alpha of a bunch of rogue wolves."

I chuckle a bit at her statement, but look at her in question. "How did you know that Rex was trying to become an Alpha?"

Kira's face holds a look of surprise as she rubs her arm and laughs nervously. "Um, A-Adam told me. We were talking the other day and it kinda slipped out."

I raised at eyebrow. Adams not suppose to tell anyone about the business that happens between him and Rex. I will just talk to him about it later.

"I noticed that you and Adam have been hanging out a lot more, too." I give her a creepy smile and make the heart sign with my hands.

She throws a pillow at me and laughs. "Nothing is going on between us."

"I never said there was." I give her another creepy smile.

"But you implied it with the heart hands and creepy smile. But if I'm being honest, Adam a pretty cool guy."

I throw my hands in the air and do a happy dance while sitting down. "KIRA AND ADAM SITTING IN A TREE K.I.S.S.I.N.G."

She throws yet another pillow at me. "Oh my gosh, Stella. Shut up. I don't like him." Her face turns as red as a tomato.


She hides behind her hands and laughs. "Stella, please stop."

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." I laugh

Kira took her hands from her face and gives me a soft glare. I laugh at her attempt to be angry.

"But honestly, how do you really feel about Adam. I could be the love whisperer or something and help you out."

"As I said before, I think he's a great guy. He's funny, smart, super handsome, and he is just.." She sighs with a tiny smile on her lips.

"You soooo like him. There's no denying it." I get and walk across the room to the sofa that she's sitting in. "I will help you out. I've been planning of ways to get Kiram together for days."

"Kiram?" She questions.

"Yes, Kiram. It's your ship name. Kira and Adam make Kiram, duh."

She laughs at my ship name and then excuses herself when her cell phone begins to ring, claiming it was someone of importance.

After about ten minuted of waiting on her she comes back into the room with a flustered face.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, I need to go and do something. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

I grab my purse and give her a hug. "See you tomorrow."

I make my way back to my house by foot. Once I make it back to my house I see Adam standing outside talking on the phone. He ends the call when he sees me walking his way.

"How was the meeting?"

"Sam old. Brad said something that for Rex mad, so Rex went all hulk on him and the meeting was cut short." He chuckles.

I laugh along with him. "That sounds like something Rex would do."

I suddenly remember what Kira did earlier about Adam telling her that Rex wanted to be an Alpha. "Have you been telling Kira things?"

He looks at me with confusion written all over his face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, have you been telling her that Rex wants to become an official Alpha and have a real pack?"

He shakes his head. "No. I never mentioned anything of that sort to her. I barely talk to her unless she talks to me, really. She comes off a little weird or strange."

I laugh when he said that she comes off strange because that's what I thought when I first met her. "Are you sure you haven't accidentally told her anything?"

"No I haven't. I know not to tell anybody things that Rex won't approve of. He would have my head. Why? Did she tell you that I did?"

"No, I was just wondering since I always see you two talking." I said.

"As I said before. The only reason we talk is because she comes up to me and bothers me." He laughs.

I wonder why she told me that Adam told her about Rex. Could Adam be lying. There's no way that he could be since he is loyal to Rex. He only shows the up most respect to Rex and Rex does the same for him.

"So, like, you don't like her or anything?" I give him my creepy smile and raise an eyebrow.

"Please stop doing that face. You look like your about to shit yourself." He laughs. "But, no. I have no feelings for her whatsoever. I'm waiting for us to become a pack, so that I can find my mate. You know, since rogues don't have mates."

"That's not true. Rex and I found each other." I disagree with him, giving a pout.

"Did you forget that Rex has royal blood, Stella?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

I look down in embarrassment. "Oh, but you'll find your mate one day. I just know it."

He nods his head and we say our goodbyes. I walk into our house to see Rex at the kitchen table eating left overs from last nights dinner.

"I heard about what happened at the meeting." I sit on his lap and he adjusts me so that we're both conformable. He sits his plate down and wraps his arm around me, pressing my back against his chest.

He lays his head on my shoulder and sighs. "I hate Bradley so fucking much."

I chuckle and begin eating the last bit of food that was on his plate. "He can't be that bad, Rex."

"Oh but he is, little one." He lifts his head off my shoulder and gives my neck a light kiss. He gets up and sits me in the chair that he was previously occupying and puts the plate in the sink. "I've never wanted to kill someone so badly in my life."

I walk up to him and wrap my hands around his neck. "It'll get better, babe." I peck his lips and snuggles against his chest.

He rubs my back in a soothing way. "I hope so, little one, I hope so."

*Alexandra Shipp as Stella Maloley*
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