Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Rex's eyes are blood red, making me take a step back in horror.

He falls to the ground and hold his head in pain. "What is happening to me!?"

I bend down trying to bring him some comfort or help, but he pushes me back. "Stay away, Stella. I don't know what is going on with me."

Everyone is standing around watching not knowing what to do. Tristian is still on the ground bleeding, not know what to do with himself. Hell, I don't know what to do with myself at the moment.

A scream from beside me brings my attention back to Rex. He is beating another person the same way he did Tristian just a few minutes ago. I get up and try to grab him again. "Rex, stop it. Why are you doing this?"

He ignores me and continues to beat the guy into a bloody pulp. I look around and everyone is still frozen in their step. "WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THEIR!? HELP ME!" They all snap out of their dazes and help me pull Rex back off the guy.


The other men help me pull Rex into our home and scurry out once Rex was calm enough to be let out of our grips. I take a couple of steps back once everyone left, making enough space between us that I could run in case he tried anything.

I look u to see him gazing at me. 'Stella...Look, I-I," he trails off. I nod already knowing what he was going to say; he doesn't know what is happening to him.

"Rex, maybe this has to do with the fact that we have fully mated. The legend said that you will come to your full powers once we have completed the mating process." I walk over to him and sit on his lap, "I think that is the reason your eyes or blood red and you're acting so possessive."

"I don't know, Stella. My body feels weird, and it is like if any man touched, talks, or even looks at you I just want to kill him. I don't know what's going on with me, but I do know that I want it to stop."

I smile at him and put his face in my hands, "Don't worry, I'll help you learn how to control it, okay?" I give him a peck on the nose, "Plus, we have a battle to prepare for and I can't have you turning into psycho possessive boyfriend every time I have to fight another person."

He chuckles at that and nods, "No, as much as I would like to kill every person who raises their hand to you, I know that I can't and that you can handle yourself, my little warrior."

He wraps his hand around my body and kisses my neck, "I can't stop thinking about last night." He lightly blows on my ear and nibbles on my ear lobe.

"Rex," I moan, "Not right now, we have to go back to the field and prepare the new members." I try to push away from him, but he pulls me back against his chest.

Chuckling at my attempts to get out of his grip he speaks, "I'm pretty sure that Tristian and the others have it under control. That gives us a couple of hours to finish what we started last night.

"No Rex." I say with a serious tone, "Let me up so we can finish with the training, then maybe later tonight we can finish what we started last night as you would like to say."

He lets out a deep breath and lets me loose. I jump off his lap and smile at him as I reach my hand out for him to take, "Ready, Freddy?"

He gives me a small glare, gets up and storms out of the house. I don't know what the hell his problem is, but he needs to seriously chill out.

I walk out of the house and jog to catch up with him since he is walking to fast and I grab his arm to pull him back, "Rex, calm down."

Letting out a deep sigh, he looks me and the eyes and apologizes. I accept and grab his hand so that he can continue out walk to the field to finish training the others. Hopefully everything goes right for the rest of the night, but knowing Rex it probably won't.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I know it sucked ass, but I have major writers block and literally cant come up with anything. If your have any suggestions feel free to comment them or message me.

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