Chapter Fourteen

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"What did Brad do to you earlier?" Rex asked once we were home. We were laying in bed watching Law & Order.

I switched my position in bed so I can get comfortable. "Um, nothing much."

"If it was nothing much, the why did your face pale after he spoke to you?"

I hesitated before answering. I don't want Rex to do something irrational. If he killed my family with no remorse, just wonder what he would do to someone of no importance to me. "He told me that I will be his soon.

Rex's eyes turn black and his body starts shaking. I grab his face with both out my hands and turn him so that he's looking at me.

"Hey, calm down. Okay. He's not going to take me. I won't let him, you won't let him. He has a mate anyways."

Rex shakes his head in disagreement. "Avery's not his mate. His true mate died a couple years ago. She's just a girl that he likes to keep on his arm and introduces her as his mate because its easier for him."

"Wow," I say, "no wonder she wasn't doing anything when he was saying that stuff about me."

Rex pulls his face from my grip. "He's lucky I needed his help or else I would've stop him when he first said something flirtatious to you." He growls.

"Well, you won't have to worry about this once we are fully mated."
Rex's eyes darken yet again, but not in anger. His eyes held lust. Why did I have to mention mating?

He flips me over so that I'm laying on my back and he's on top of me. He starts to lightly caress my face as he kisses down my neck. He reaches my sweet spot and gently nibbles on it as I moan in pleasure.

"This is where I'm going to mark you." He says as he continues his assault on my neck. His hands roam around my body, slipping in my shirt. With his hands cupping my bare breast-me not having on a bra because its late night- his thumbs and pointer finger begin to tweak at my nipples as he brings his face from my neck to my mouth.

I moan into his mouth with my hands in his hair, pulling him closer to me. His hands leave my brrats and slides down to my pajama shorts. Once I feel him begin to slip his hand inside my shorts I push him away.

"No, stop. We can't do this right now." I slide over to my side of the bed.

Rex pulls me back from over to him and wraps his arm around my waist. "I understand that you're not ready, I will wait for you, okay?"

I nod my head and fall asleep in his arms.


Rex's POV.

I watch Stella as she sleeps. Her breathing get deeper and her body starts to relax letting me know that she's in a deep sleep. I give her a light peck on her forehead and get out of bed.

Walking to my office, I see Adam there waiting for me. I can't wait until we are an official pack. I know that Adam will make a great beta, hell, he would make a great alpha if something ever happened to me. I would never admit that to him, but it's true. He has got to be one of the most loyal men I have ever met in my life and I'm very greatful for him.

"I've been thinking about what Alpha Sebastian said to us, and maybe he's telling the truth." Adam says once I get seated in my desk chair.

I bring my hand to my chin. "Mmhm, why do you think he's telling the truth?"

Adam leans forward in his chair as he speaks. "He has no reason to harm us. I don't think he has any bad intentions. Why would he make up lies about Alpha Brad? There would be no point."

I think back to what Alpha Sebastian told Adam and I before we left the dinner. He told us that Alpha Brad had no intention of helping us become an official pack. He was going to tell lies to his father just so that wouldn't become official. I think he's scared that we would take his packs spot of being the best. He was plotting ways to kill us, too. Not like that would happen. But what really ticked me off was the fact that Alpha Brad was planning on taking Stella away from me. My fucking mate. Alpha Sebastian said that Alpha Brad had seen Stella before at her old pack one day wheb he was on a mission there and had plans on taking her then, but thought she was too young. Now that he knows that she's my mate, he wants to kill me and make her Luna of his pack; the Red Hound pack.

"I can see what you're trying to say, but sometimes people have hidden intentions. I'll take what he said into your consideration and watch over Alpha Brad, but I will also be watching over Alpha Sebastian as well. Just to make sure that he doesn't step out of line." I tell Adam.
"Well since we have that settled, do you mind telling me why you smell so much like Stella right now?" He smirks at me.

I grin back and bit my bottom lip just thinking of her. I'm glad she stopped me when she did earlier, because if we had went any further I don't think I would've been able to contain myself. "Nothing much, she just let me take things a little further today."

"Oh, so she gave you some, right?"

"No, no," I chuckled at his accusations, "We didn't go that far, but it was more than just a peck on the lips, I'll tell you that."

Adam laughs and stands up walking to the door. "It's time for me to go to bed, boss man. See you tomorrow."

"Wait. Can you look into finding Stella a female friend. I feel like she's bored and has no one to do girl things with, you know?" I ask him before he walks out of the door.

He nods. "I'll find her one." He then closes the door leaving me to ponder in my own thoughts.

Finding Stella a friend would be good for her. She wouldn't sit around waiting for me all day. She'll be able to talk about things that she can't talk about with me and what not. Hopefully Adam chooses a girl that's not a slut or a bad influence. There's no way I'm letting her befriend someone like that.

I walk back to my bedroom and see that Stella's still sleeping, but she is sprawled out on the bed in starfish position as if she owns the whole bed.

I chuckle and scoot her over a bit so that I could get on the bed, too. She moves closer to me as if she can feel my presence. I smile as she wraps herself around me.

I don't think she will ever understand how much I love her. I will do anything to protect her. I killed her family for god sake. If I did that so that she will be protected then she should have no doubt in her mind that I won't walk off the edge of the earth for her. She's my everything and I plan on keeping her forever.

Thanks for reading chapter 14. I've been so busy trying to get everything ready for school. (I'm a rising college freshman.) I'll be updating a little less frequently, but I'll try to make it at least once a week or earlier if I can.
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