Chapter Seven

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Adams whole body is bruised and bloodied. He has scars around his wrist from the chains that keep him secured against the wall. He has gashes on his chest and dried blood all over his body. His body looks the worst compared to the other two rogues. You can tell that he actually tried to put up a fight and the others just surrended.

The room became silent after my outburst.

"How do you know this rogue?" My father's voices booms throughout the room.

"I um, I don't know him. He just looked familiar. Like, he looks like an old friend." I stutter.

My dad raises an eyebrow at me. Man, I hope he doesn't find out that I know him. I would be in deep trouble.

My father then walks up to Adam, grab his chin and forces him to look at him. "What is your name and why were you on my territory!?"

Adam spits in my fathers face. And let me tell you, it wasn't normal spit, it was mixed with blood. His bloody spit went everywhere in my fathers face, some even landing on his T-shirt.
My dad took a step back, wiped his face with his hand and Adam smirked.

"You think this is funny, rogue?" My father gave a dark chuckle. "I'll give you something to laugh at."

My father swung his fist at Adam, hitting him straight in the nose. Adam screamed in pain.

My dad laughed. "Now that is what I call funny."

The gaurds and other warriors laughed along with my father, mumbling rude things about Adam.

I place a hand on my fathers shoulders. "Dad, can I try to talk to the rogues?"

"Sure. You're probably not going to get anything out of them."

"I mean, can I talk them alone."

He crosses his arms. "I'm not leaving you alone in a room of ruthless wolves."

"Dad, they're chained up. The worst they can do is spit on me, like they did to you."

He gave me a quick nod. "I'll give you ten minutes, Stella, and don't do anything stupid. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

They all exit the room and its just me and the three rogues. I walk over to Adam.

"You're adam, right?" I ask him. He doesn't respond.

"Please answer me." He nods.

"Why are you on my territory. Rex told me that he wasn't attacking my pack anymore."

Adam laughs. "Did you really believe him?"

I nod.

"Naïve, girl. We've been planning to attack your pack for weeks. Did you really think he would stop just because he found his mate?"

"What? Why would he lie to me?" I question.

I can't believe this. He actually had me believe everything that he said. I was like putty in his hands.

"He sent us three here as a distraction. Your pack is going to be too focused on getting answers from us that they're not even going to notice when Rex and the others come and attack."

I gasp. "What about me. He's going to kill me, his mate?"

"No, he's going to take you and make you become apart of our pack."

No. This can't be happening. I have to go warn my father before its too late. I run towards the door and see the father there talking to a guard.

"Dad, we have to prepare for a war. It was all a set up. There leader sent them here as a distraction!"

My fathers face turns to rage. "How could I have been fooled. Everyone gear up. There has been an attack planed against us. We need to be ready!" He commands the warriors and gaurds.

"What about me? Can I fight with you?" I ask speed walking behind my father to keep up with his fast pace.

"No, you're going to go with your mother when all of this happens and take on luna duties."

"Dad, I have been trained for situations like this. I can't take all that I've learned to the fighting field!"

I'm so sick of people telling me that I have to stay and take on Luna duties with my mother because I was a girl. I wanted to fight also, it's what I've been training for for years.

"You know what, fine. You can fight, but I can't watch your back.  You're going to have to be quick and fast." He says.

I hug my father jumping up and down. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will make you proud, dad, I promise."

I run up to my room after discussing new training times with my father. Since we have no idea when the attack is going to happen. We have to train double the amount then what we usually do in order to be prepared when the attack happens.

Wen I get into my room I smell the most heavenly scent I've ever smelt in my life. I automatically know that Rex is here.

"You! How fucking dare you!" I scream when I see him sitting on my bed.

He smirks at me. "Whatever do you mean, little one?"

I walk over to him and nudge his shoulder. "You know what I mean! Do you think that I'm stupid? Huh? Well guess what? Adam told me everything."

He raised and eyebrows. "This means that Adam told you that I lied about attacking your pack and that I plan on doing it anyways."

I vigorously nod my head. "Yes!" I throw my hands up. "That's exactly what I'm talking about. You're a fucking liar. And to think I that I believed what you told me."

"Well what your pack did is absolutely unforgivable!"

"What did my pack do?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I've already said too much."

I stare at him in confusion. "Why can't you tell me. I don't know anything when it comes to you. Oh my gosh Rex, is there anything that you can tell me, because for as long as I've known you everything you've told me has been a lie."

His eyes soften when he looks at me. I feel like crying. Why did I have to be mated to him. I have no idea why I couldn't have a normal mate. Not one that's a murderer, liar, and manipulator.

"Everything I've done since I met you has been to protect you." He grabs me by my waist and pull me closer to him.

"Protect me from what, huh? Yourself? Because it seems like you're the one that's putting me in danger. You plan on killing my family, Rex!"

I beat at his chest trying to get him to let me go. He doesn't even flinch or loosen up his grip. "I don't even know why I'm mated to you!" I yell in his face.

His eyes darken in anger and his grip around my waist tightens even more. "Don't you ever say something like that again, do you understand? I've lost you once, I'm not loosing you again."

Again? What the hell is he talking about. I just met him a couple days ago.

"Again? Rex, what do you mean?"

"Nothing. Just know that you will never leave me." He then throws me over his shoulder and jumps out of my bedroom window and run towards the woods.

"You're going to be with me forever." Was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

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