Chapter Thirteen

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We finally arrive at the restaurant where the meeting will be hosted. From the outside it looked very simple, but when we stepped in, it was absolutely beautiful. The elegance this restaurant held was to die for.

'Reservations for Reid." Rex tells the host.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Reid. Please, follow me." The man leads us through the main part of the restaurant to a door in the back. We walk through a narrow hallway that leads us to another door. Inside is much more gorgeous than the front of the restaurant.

He leads us to a table that is occupied by seven other people. Four being men and the other three are women. Rex pulls out my chair and gestures for me to sit down. He takes a seat next to me.

"Rex, you've finally decided to join us! And who is this beautiful women that you have brought with you?" Asked the man who sat at at the head of the table.

As he was speaking to Rex I took in his looks. He looked young, around the age of 25. He had nice blonde locks that was pushed out of his face. I'm pretty sure if I caught him on a causal day, it would be wild and beautiful. His eyes were the bluest of blue and his teeth were perfectly straightened and so white you could be blinded by his smile. Overall he was gorgeous.

Rex introduces me to him. "This is my mate, Stella. Stella, this is Bradley, but he likes to be called Brad. He's alpha of the Red Hound pack."

I smile at Brad. "Hello, its nice to meet you, Brad."

Brad gives me a looks me up and down and bits his lip. "It's always nice to meet a gorgeous girl like you."

I blush and look away.

Rex clears his throat and clenches his jaw a couple of times. "Um, Stella, this is Brad's mate, Avery." He gestures to the women sitting to the left of Brad.

If he has a mate, then why was he looking at me like that? Why did she act like she didn't care when everyone at the table noticed?

He finished introducing me to the rest of the guest that were there. Beside Avery was Ethan and his mate Lila, they were Alpha and Luna of the Sun Glade pack. Next to them sat Alpha Sebastian and Luna Robyn of the Golden Moon pack. Last but not least was Adam, Rex's second hand man, who sat to my right.

I gave everyone a gentle smile and nod as I got introduced.

"Is everyone ready to order?" Asked the waiter. We all nodded and gave him our orders.

"So, Stella. I heard about what happened to your pack. Raven's Blood, was it?" Brad rubs his chin as he looks at me, waiting for my response.

I look around the table and notice that everyone is staring at me, waiting for me to respond also.

"Um, yes." I mutter, not know if what to say. I didn't know that everyone knew. Because he brought it up some hidden feelings started to resurface.

"If I was Rex, I would've killed them all a long time ago." He eyes Rex, then me. "But then again, if he killed them earlier, then he wouldn't have such a stunning mate."

"All of my mates have looked exactly alike." Rex states in a harsh manner.

Brad licks his bottom lip. "I know, but there's something different about Stella. Something...better."

I feel Rex tense up beside me. I wonder why he isn't doing anything. Why is he letting this guy make passes at me? Something must be up. Brad has to be someone of great importance if Rex is going to let him say these things and not do anything.

I looks at Avery, Brads mate, as she looks stares at the table cloth. She looks to be utterly embarrassed. I would be too if my mate was blatantly hitting on another girl in my presence. But, I would also call him out on it. If Rex every did that to me I would cut his nuts off in front of everyone and make him eat them for his dinner.

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