Chapter Nine

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Finally coming up with a plan to escape Rex's territory, I open the door only to see an unpleasant surprise. Two of Rex's gaurds are standing in front of his door looking me straight in the eyes.

"Um, hey guys. I'll just be going back into the room." Giving a nervous smile as I shut the door in their faces.

What the hell. I didn't think he would go as far as to have gaurds standing outside my door. Walking over to the window I notice that's there's others standing watch, also. This man has me on total lockdown.

Crossing my arms as I pace, I start to think of new idea's so I can notify my pack of the information I found out earlier. I refuse to let Rex kill my family. Mate or not, he needs to know that it's not going to happen.

I open the door to be faced with the guards yet again. "Hey, can you tell Rex that I need him?"

The man on the left is the one that answers me. "Why should we do as you ask?" He questions. He is built very big with huge muscles. I'm gonna call him meatball, because he looks like one.

"Listen here, Meatball, Rex is my mate and I'm sure that if he hears about you not getting me what he wants then there will be trouble."

"Rex isn't your mate, little girl. If he was then why would he have you locked up?" The man on the right raises an eyebrow. He was a pretty slim guy but still built. It's very rare that you find a werewolve as slim he is. Im willing to bet that that's probably the reason that he's a rogue. Alphas only like the best to be in there packs.

"If you do not get me Rex then I will scream." I snap.

Meatball glares at me. "You wouldn't."

"Dare to try me?"

"Go back inside the ro-" He was cut off by the sound of my screams.

The slimmer gaurd trys to put his hand over my mouth to shut out the sounds of my screams.

Rex comes pounding through the hallways and his demeanor changes at the scene that is happening. "What the fuck is going on? Why are you touching my mate?"

I smirk at the two gaurds when the hand is released from my mouth. "Rex, dear. These guards haven't been very nice to me." I say putting on the good girl act.

"I will deal with you two later." He pushes me into his bedroom.

"Rex, I need to talk to you." Taking his hand in mine, I look into his eyes. "I want to help you fight."

He licks his lips and looks at me in question. "Why the sudden change, little one."

Putting my hand on his cheek I lightly caress his face with my thumb. God, I hope he believes me. This is the only plan I thought of, meaning that there's no plan B. If I'm unbelievable then that's it, my pack is screwed. "You're my mate and I have realized that I have to start agreeing with you. My pack has obviously done something so bad that you have to kill them." I look him in the eyes to show my seriousness. "I think it's about time that I start standing by you rather than arguing with you."

He gives me a small smile. "This is what I've wanted from the beginning; you standing by my side." He places a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

Oh my god, I can't believe that this is working. I guess Rex isn't the only one in this relationship that can lie. 1 point for Stella.

He bends down until he is eye level with me. "I'm going to try to start being nicer to you now. I only had to be mean so that you wouldn't go against me. With that being said, do I have permission to kiss you?"

My eyes widen I'm surprise. I wasn't expecting him to do a whole 360. Now I'm going to feel bad for lying.

I nod, giving him permission to kiss me. His hand traces the side of my face before cupping the back of my head. Our faces start to lean in and I can feel his breath against my lips. His eyes goes back and forth from my eyes to my lips. My breath heightens in anticipation. I lean in a little more making our lips meet. His tongue traces my bottom lip asking for entrance in which I happily oblige. Our tongues have a battle for dominance in which Rex blatantly won. Both of us pull back at the same time. Wow. Now I'm really starting to feel guilty for lying because that kiss was, woah.


Marching with Rex's pack to my territory was something different. Since I've never been in battle I didn't know what to expect. I thought there would be running and screaming as we make our way to my home, but I was encountered with the total opposite. We calmly marched, making as little noise as possible. Rex says that if we make noise then they will hear us and that gives them a couple seconds advantage to prepare for an attack. I thought about screaming so that my pack hears me, but with Rex on my left, Adam on my right and his whole pack behind me I already know that that won't end well.

We're a couple feet from the boundary line that seperates us from my pack when Rex stops us.
"I will mask everyone's scent so they won't smell us. Remember to not make noise until I give the okay."

Every one nods and starts walking again at his command.

When we make it to the clearing my father and our warriors are standing there prepared for us.

My father steps forward. "We've been waiting all day for your attack, rogues." He says to Rex.

My fathers eyes scan over the group of rogues that are prepared to fight until he lands on me. "Stella?" He asks in disbelief.

"Dad." I start to run toward him, but a hand forcefully pulls me back.

"You will stay with me. You will stand by my side." Rex demands me.

"No!" I claw at his grip on my arm. "That is my pack I will fight with them!"

"We'll see about that. You won't have anybody to fight for when they're all dead!" He then turns around to his pack. "ATTACK!"

A blood war starts right before my eyes.

Thanks for reading chapter nine. Dont forget to comment and vote.
Fun fact: I only listened to The xx while writing this chapter.  

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