Chapter Nineteen Pt. 2

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My eyes glance at Rex and then Kira. To be honest, I don't know who to trust. They both have valid points. Rex-my mate- has been going to a lot of meeting now a days trying to become an Alpha. Adam even told me that Rex truly loves me. There's no way that he could ever cheat on me. Then there's Kira, my new best friend. I haven't known her for long, but we bonded pretty quickly. I really do believe that she has good intentions, but she did lie about Adam telling her about Rexs plans.

I cross my arms as I pace back and forth. Rex and Kira waiting patiently for my answer.

Kira stands there with a smug look on her face as if she knows I'm going to choose her over Rex. She has her hands on her hips and she look at Rex before rolling her eyes and then smiles at me.

Rex stares at me with eyes filled in the love. His face filled with worry. His breathes are soft, but the way his chest his moving up and down can tell that he's trying to see control his breathing.

"Stella," his voice wavers. He takes in a deep breath and calmly walks over to me, "you know that I love you. I love you so much, little one. I would never ever do something like that to you. You are my world. You are my life. You are my mate."

Tears form at the base of my eyes and I try everything possible to hold them back. I feel my bottom lip tremble and know that it's too late. A cascade of tears rush down my cheeks. Rex pulls me into his arms, whispering soothing things to me. I wrap my arms around his waist and sob into his chest. My tears damping his shirt, but he doesn't care, he just pulls me closer into his arms.
"I'm so sorry," I repeat over and over again.

He shakes his head in response, "there's nothing to be sorry for, baby. It's my fault for leading you to thinking that I was cheating on you. It's all my fault. And for that, I am truly sorry."

"Oh, can you stop crying and just leave him already," Kira says throwing her hands into the air in anger, "We all know that he's a lying cheater. So give it a rest."

Rex growls at her, "I'm getting real tired of your shit, Kira. You don't know it but I'm this close to killing you." He brings his pointer and thumb together, leaving a small space between them. "The only reason I'm not killing you now is because you're Stella's friend. But believe me when I say this, if she ever gives me the chance to, you are dead."

Kira shakes in terror as her eyes go big and her face pales. Her face shows blatant fear at Rexs words.

I take a step away from Rex and walk up to her. "I realize now that you've been feeding me lies. I have come to terms with the fact that Rex will never cheat on me. What I don't understand is why you would go through all this trouble to tear us apart, Kira," my eyes are glossy, "why would you do this to me."

In the background I hear Rex say 'thank god' to the fact that I believe him over her.

Kira's facial expression goes from fear to one of pure evil. She grins at me and cocks her head to the side, "You want to know why I did it?"

Rex walks behind me putting and arm around my waist. We both nod wanting her to continue.

She chuckles a bit, "You'll never know."

Rex shakes with rage. He nudges me behind him as he grabs Kira by the throat. Lifting her in the air, he chokes her. Her legs dangle as she claws at his hands.

"Rex, Rex," I yell, "let her down. Please, don't do this Rex."

After a second see Kira plop to the ground. She rubs her neck and take deep breathes to help her with her breathing. She coughs a couple of times, also.

I stare at her in pity and shake my head. How could someone I thought was a great person turn out to be so deceiving.

"Now that I know you're a threat, you're getting locked up until further notice. I will be questioning you very soon," Rex tells her. His face holds such a strong look of disgust.

Grabbing her by the arm, he takes her outside and drags her to the Chains. The Chains is a secluded area for all the people who we view as threats. They are severely beaten and tortured until they give the information that is needed. No one has every survived the Chains because they either die from so much blood loss, or they are killed after they give the information that we want.

Adam jogs up to us when he sees Rex dragging Kira through the village to get to the Chains.

"What's going on?" He looks at Kira who is covered in dirt from being dragged.

"She's being taking to the Chains," Rex says as he continues walking, "she is a threat. She's been feeding Stella lies about me."

Adam nods in agreement, "So she told you about how Kira knew that you were planning to make us official?"

Rex glares at me, "No, she did not. Care to explain, Stella?"

By this time we were already at the Chains and he had Kira locked in a cell until further questioning.

I glare at Adam for running his big mouth as he looks at me in confusion.

"I thought you had told him. Is that not what he meant when he said that she's been feeding you lies?" He asked.

"No, that's not. Well discuss that another time. As for now, I would like Stella to inform me about this other incident," Rex says.

"Sh-she knew about how you were going to meeting to try and make us a real pack. She told me that Adam told her, so I went to adam and asked if he told her and he said no."

Rex crosses his arms, "and you failed to tell me this because?"

I give him a light shrug, "I don't know. I thought it wasn't important at the time."

"I thought she told you already, that's why I didn't say anything," Adam said, "if I would've known she didn't inform you, I would've told you."

Looking down in shame, I can feel Rexs eyes burning holes through my skin. "I'm sorry."

He nods his head, "don't let it happen again, do you understand?"

I numble a yes as Rex pulls me in for a hug. "I thought I almost lost you today," he whispers into my ear. Adam takes this as his cue to leave.

I look behind us in the cell that holds Kira. She glares at us and gives me the middle finger. Rex can't see it because his back is facing her. I pull him away from the Chains, not wanting to be near her anymore.

"You never lost me, I just doubted your love for me. Something I know to never do again," I give him a small smile.


How many of you suspected that Kira was a threat? I've been waiting to reveal this for a while.
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