Chapter Twenty

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"Find as much information on Kira as you can," I order Adam and two other men. They give me a slight nod and take off to retrieve information.

Sitting at my desk in my office, I rub the stubble of a beard that's starting to form. I really need to shave before Stella pesters me about it. I know she doesn't like me with a beard. She says it makes me look like a dad.

Stella has my heart and she knows this. I just want to know how did Kira manage to make her doubt me. How did she manage to make Stella-who knows that I love her more than anything and that I would never cheat on her- believe that I did all those things. And to put the icing on the cake, Kira had the nerve to accuse me of trying to sleep with her. When she said that I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or choke the shit out of her. Granted, I did end up choking her in the process, so that was a plus.

She had us all fooled though. We thought she was a nice girl, a little too cheery, but nice. Little did we know, she was a crazy, pyscho bitch.

Not only do I have to deal with trying to make us group of rogues an official pack, but I also have to deal with the Alpha Brad problem, and now this Kira problem. I need to know what was her motive. What does she get from all of this?

Adam comes rushing into my office. Wheezing as he tried to catch his breath, he slammed a stack of papers on my desk. "It all lead to Alpha Brad. Alpha fucking Brad."

"Are you going to tell me or leave me guessing?" I say calmly. Although I'm calm on the outside I'm five second away from choking him on the inside if he doesn't tell me what's up.

"Kira. She Brads sister."

My eyes bulge out of my head. "WHAT!?" I get up and start pacing, "you mean to tell me, that we've been hosting his sibling for years?"

Adam nods, "We already now that Sebastian is his brother, but this is the kicker. This was all a setup."

I shake my head in disagreement. "It can't be a set up, Kira has been in our pack for years, before I knew that Stella was my mate. Before I even thought about it making us an official pack. It doesn't make any sense."

"It all goes back to the Raven's blood pack," Adam says. He takes the stack of papers and rummage through them until he found a certain one. "You see, written right here, they had a meeting with Brad's father who is now the head of council in April of 1996. The Luna knew that she was pregnant with Stella then, and they knew that she was going to be your mate before she was even born."

I bite my thumb nail and try to think of an explanation, but I keep coming up blank so I tell Adam to continue.

"They asked Brads father for protection in case something happened to them or Stella because of you. They knew you would find her and try to take Stella away. Over the years Brads father became apart of the council and Brad became the alpha. Sebastian found out that his mate was daughter of the alpha of another pack, so he became alpha of the Golden Moon pack because the old alpha only had a daughter which was Sebastian's mate. That left Kira."

"Mmm," I take a seat in my chair after I started to piece it all together, "he made Kira a rogue knowing that she would be apart of our group because he knew that we would kill Ravens blood pack and take Stella, right?"

Adam nodded, "He's had this planned out for years. The fact that you wanted us to become an official pack just worked in his favor. But back to the story, He sent kira here and told her to be obedient so that she could befriend Stella when she got here. He already knew that you wouldn't let just anybody friend Stella. He told Kira that once she friended her he needed to get her to lose trust in you. He need Stella to hate you so that Kira could take her to him and make Stella apart of his pack."

My head started hurting from all of this information, "So, you're telling me that we had a spy in on us the whole time and we didn't know. For years she been giving Brad information. That's how she knew that we were going to meeting to become an official pack?"

"Yes, and about this official pack thing, were never going to be one. Since there's no royal pack anymore the council is in charge. If they grant your wish of letting us become an official pack they will no longer be in charge. People will automatically look at you as their leader and then you will take your rightful place as leader of all would packs again."

My mind is completely blown. I look at adam to see if he has more to say, but that's the end of the story. Now that everything has been revealed I have to think of the perfect way to get back at Brad and his father. I know that perfect way to show them that we're not to be fucked with.

Smirking at Adam I say, "I have the perfect plan. Call in the rest of the guys."

Stella's POV

After Rex left to his office I had to go see Kira and get answers from her. There has to be a reason she did all of this to me. I thought we were best friends, but she turned out to be liar and a manipulator.

So here I am sneaking out to see Kira because I already know that Rex won't approve. If he ever finds out I'm going to be in so much trouble.

I make it to the chains and find Kiras cell easily. Her arms are chained to the wall and she's humming a tune to a song that I can't recognize.

"I know you're there Stella," she says.

I step over to her cell, making sure that I'm not too close. Even though she's chained I still don't want to be too close to her.

"I'm here for answers, Kira," I sit on the floor near her cell, "I want to know by you did what you did."

She chuckles at me, "Oh, Stella. You're so naive. I don't know what my brother wants with you."

I look at her with confusion written all over my face, "Brother?"

"Yes, I have a brother. Two actually." Her face holds boredom.

"What? How come you never told me?"

"Are you fucking stupid? I did tell you because I've been playing you the whole time. You're so fucking stupid. I lied to you about everything and about Rex and you have the nerve to ask why I didn't tell you that I had brothers. Wow, Stella, wow."

"I just want answers, Kira."

She glares at me, "Well you're not getting them from me, so get out of my face."

I nod not wanting to start an arguement and get up to leave.

"Wait," I hear Kira ask as I was leaving, "I want you to know that your going to get what's coming for you. This whole pack is. You're all going to die." She laughs like a manic.

I make my way back home wondering how I befriended such a psycho.

So everything has been revealed. Kira is Brad and Sebastian's sister. Stella's original pack has planned this with Brad from the beginning.

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