Chapter Nineteen Pt. 1

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Have you ever and wondered what your life would be like without someone very dear to you in it? I always wonder about what my life would be like if Rex wasn't my mate. Would things be different? Would my family and pack still be alive? Would I be alive?

It's so hard to think of a life without him. I've gotten so attach to him that the thought of not knowing him makes my stomach churn. I can even process where I would be in life without him.

Watching the sun come up, I admire the way the blue sky turns purple as the sun peeks up. I watch as the birds fly around orange and golden yellow aura the sun has.

The sunrise has always been such a beautiful thing to me. I would always watch it with my mom and dad when I was my younger. Every friday morning we would take blankets and drive up to Western Hill. My dad would sit in between my mom and tell us that we were almost as beautiful as the sunrise. I remember laughing and saying that he was almost as beautiful as the dirt on my shoe.

Oh, how I wish I was as beautiful as the sunrise right now. Maybe Rex would've cheated on me.

A tear travels down the cheek and I sniffle quietly trying not to wake up Kira. But trying to keep quiet only makes me want to cry harder.

I hear her shifting on her bed so I try to stop my constant flow of tears.

"Stella, are you awake? It's like 6:30." She looks at the clock and then gives me a look as if I'm crazy. "Are you crying?"

I pout, my lip trembling, and nod.

Kira gets out of bed and wraps her arms around me. "Oh, poor baby. What's wrong? How long have you been up?"

"Since 4."

Her eyes widen in surprise. "4? As in 4 am? We passed out at 3!!"

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and chuckled, trying to make myself happy. "Yeah, I know. I just couldn't sleep." I sigh and close my eyes. "All I keep think about is how Rex is cheating on me."

"You know what?" Kira stands with her hands on her hips. "Where going to go over to your house right now and give him a piece of your mind."

"What?" My eyes bulge out of my head as I start panicking. "I can't get that. I don't want to face him."

Kira was alreading putting on clothes and throwing mine to me. "Get dressed. We leave in 5."

"Kira, are you fucking crazy!? No!"

"Too late!" She yells as she makes her way to the front door. "I'll be in the car waiting."

She's fucking insane. There's no way I can go up to Rex and 'give him a piece of my mind'.

I put on the clothes that she threw to me and make my way to the car. Kira is already sitting in there jamming to music. How can she be so happy at a time like this?

"Hurry up and get in the car, Stella."

Walking to the passenger side, I hop in and look at her sing along to What Do You Mean by Justin Bieber.

"You ready?" She asked.


Giving me a look that read that she didn't care, she backs out of her driveway and makes her way to my house.

She parks the car, gets out and makes her way to my front door only to realize that I'm not behind her. I'm still sitting in the car.

Huffing as she walks back, she says, "Listen Stella, the only way for you to get over this is by walking through that door and giving him a big piece of your mind, okay? He has the nerve to cheat on you- his mate! Don't you want to know why? Don't you want to get answers? Stop being so scared, Stella. Stand up for yourself."

After her mini speech I begin to think. I should know why he would cheat on me. I should get answers. I should storm right through that door and cause havoc. And that's what I'm going to do.

I get out of the car and slam the door. Kira gives me a huge smile smile and mumbles "That's my girl. Now show him what you've got."

Kira and I march into my house and see Rex sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.

He smiles when he sees me. "Hey, little one. Why are you back so early?"

He waits for me to reply, but frowns when he notices that I'm upset. "What's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong Rex!" I yell. "How could you do this to me!?"

His eyesbrows knot in confusion. "Little one, what are you talking about?"

I point my finger at him. "Don't call me that. You have no right to call me that anymore!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Stella!?" He sets his coffee down on the table and crosses his arms. I can tell that he's getting aggravated with me, but I don't care.

"You know exactly what she's talking about!" Kira says from behind me.

He glared at her. "No, I don't. Which is why I'm waiting for someone to explain to me what the hell is going on."

I slam my hand on the kitchen table fed up with his shit. "We're talking abot how you've been fucking cheating on me, Rex!"

If looks could kill I would probably be dead right now because the look that Rex gives me sends a shiver down my spine. "Do you really think that I'd fucking cheat on you!?"

Kira steps up and points her finger in his face. "Hell yeah she does. We've got you all for figured out, Rex. Why don't you just go ahead and tell her."

He pushes he finger away. "Get the fuck out of my face Kira. I'm talking to Stella, my mate. Not you."

"Why won't you tell her Rex, huh?" She crosses her arms and smirks at him. "Tell her what you did."

"What did you do Rex?" I ask.

He throws his hand in the arm. "I don't fucking know, Stella. Why don't you ask your friend Kira over here, because it seems like she's got all the damn answers."

"Tell her about how you tried to get me to have sex with you. Tell her about how I caught you making out with some random chick on your couch when I can over for her last week. Tell her about that."

"First of all, I've never in my life tried to fuck you. I've never even been in a room with you alone. Second of all, I haven't been with anyone since I've been with Stella, so stop your fucking lying." He yells. He then looks at me. "Do you really fucking believe this shit, Stella? Huh?"

I shake my head slowly. "I don't know what to believe anymore, Rex. You're always out late at your 'meetings' maybe you really are cheating on me. I've heard about your past."

He walks up to me but I walk back. I don't want to be anywhere near him right now. "Stay away from me. I've been there for you through everything and this is how you repay me. You killed my fucking parents and brother, Rex. My parents and brother and I still stayed by your side."

"I'm not cheating on you, Stella. I really have meetings that roll over until after dark. I'm trying to make us an official pack to keep you safe." He says. "She," he points to Kira who is glaring at him, "is feeding you lies. I don't know why she would do that, but her intentions aren't good."

"I have the best I intentions for Stella. She's my best friend and I only want what's good for her. And what's good for her isn't you." She says.

This is all too much for me to handle. Should I trust my mate or my bestfriend. They're both so secretive and I honestly don't know who I can trust...

Things are getting pretty crazy with Stella and Rex right now. Do you think he's guilty? Why or why not?

Were almost to 4k!!! You guys are amazing.

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