Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning bright and early as usual. I've just recently graduated and have not yet gotten use to sleeping in during summer, so I still wake up early as if I still have to go to school.

I do my morning stretches before hopping in the shower. Letting the hot water pour down my body, I stand and think about everything that happened yesterday. I've found my mate. I was so close to giving up, but I have a mate. I, Stella Maloley, have a mate!! Just the thought of it is crazy. But just thinking about my mate makes me upset because I can't tell anyone about him.

I get out of the shower after a long wash and some great thinking, grab a towel to wrap around my body and turn the water off. I walk back into my room to put on a pair of yoga pants and a simple T-shirt. I'm not going anywhere since I'm grounded, so might as well be comfortable.

I go downstairs to the kitchen to make some Oatmeal.

"Stella! That story you told your brother had him up all night." My mother scolded. "The poor boy didn't get any sleep."

I gran a bowl from the cabinet and start fixing my oatmeal. "He asked me to tell him a bedtime story, mom. Chris used to tell them to me before bed when I was around Sam's age."

Chris is my older cousin by 3 years that used to come over a lot when I was little. He was the one that told me the story of the legendary Rex. The story's a bunch of bull anyways. If it was real, then Rex would have to be a couple hundred years old and that's impossible because werewolves have to same life span of a normal human.

"I don't care, Stella." She says. "I don't want anymore Rex stories being told in this house. Understand?"

I sigh and nod my head. There's no point in arguing with her about this anymore.

I finish my oatmeal and go back to my room to think of something to keep me occupied til sunset.

Rex's POV

It's been three hundred years and I've finally found my mate. Considering the life style that I live I didn't even think that I'd get a mate. Everyone deemed me as 'evil', but everything I do is for a reason.

My mate can't know who I am. I have to do everything to protect her. I know if she finds out that I'm the Rex that everyone's afraid of, she'll leave me. So, I have to be kind and gentle with her before I tell her about myself so that she'll stay with me.

Stella. That name just brings chills down my spine. She's the most beautiful woman I've seen I'm my life. I could sit in her scent forever. She smelt like white tea and ginger.

I can wait to see my little mate at sunset.

Stella POV

As it gets closer to the time that the sun sets I start to think of a plan on how I'm gonna sneak out of the house. My rooms on the second floor, but there's a tree right beside it. All I have to do is jump from my window to the tree and climb down to the ground. If it fails, then I'm dead.

Around 8:20 I start to climb out of my window. The tree is about four feet away, so I have to make a big leap. I take the leap and make it to the tree. I start to climb down the tree, landing on the ground. I look around to see if anybody is on watch. I make a run for into the woods. I have to be careful because make pack has people on patrol at this time.

I make it to the outskirts of my territory at 8:30. I walk out a little further to see if I could find John.

"John?" I whisper.

A pair of hands grab me from behind and flip me over to face them. "Hello, little one."

I blush. "Um, hey." I secretly loves it when he calls me little one.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead. "How are you?"

I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his strong chest. I can hear his heart beat.
"I'm fine."

I trail my left hand down the his chest and feel his muscles that hidden underneath his black T-shirt. He brings his hands up my arms and to my face. We both lean in. Oh my god. He's going to kiss me. I've been kissed before, just not by a man who looks like John does.

Right as our lips are about to touch and rustling of noise is made a couple feet away from us. John pushes me behind him and puts a finger up to his lips signaling me to be quiet.

He takes a few steps forward. "Show yourself."

A brown wolf slowly comes from behind a large tree.

John sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Adam, what the fuck are you doing here!?"

The wolf goes back behind the tree and comes back out a man thats about 5'10. He's well built, but not as much as John.

"Sir, we have a problem." The man, whose name is Adam states.

"Handle it. You can see that I'm busy." John nods his head in my direction. I blush and give Adam a small wave.

"I'm sorry, but sir, its an emergency involves another pack."

Another pack? Did he mean my pack? Now that I think about it, whose pack did John come from? He can't be a rouge because rouges don't have mates. But the next pack over isn't for a couple miles. Why didn't I think of this earlier!?

John turns towards me. "I'm sorry, love. We will have to meet another time."

"Um, I guess I'll go. You have business to attend to. See you later John?" I start to walk away after giving him a small wave.

As I walk away I can hear Adam asking who's John? And John mumble a don't worry about it.

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