Chapter Thirty

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RECAP: Rex and Stella have started a new pack made of rogues and plan to attack the council in order for Rex to become king. 3 new rogues, Tom, Ronny, and Stephan, have showed up. Rex and Stella have fully mated, giving Rex some of his full power. Rex eyes turned blood red and went bat shit crazy on anyone who even looked at Stella because their bond is stronger than ever. He has the urge to hurt anyone who looks at her.


For the past month Rex, Tristian, and I have been training the new members for the war that has yet to come. On top of training the other members, I have to keep Rex calm. He's been very stressed lately and snaps at everyone for little things, including me. He's trying to keep his cool when other males look at me, being as I'm also training them and I'm not going to let him stop me.

"They've gotten much better," I say leaning against Rex's chest as we watch the trainees fight. We paired them off in groups of two to practice the skills they've learned.

He hums and I can feel the vibrations flow from his chest to my upper back. "They have. I hope we have prepared them enough. I plan to attack soon."

Spinning around to face him, I almost catch whiplash. "Soon? How soon?"

"A week from today."

"What?" I screeched, "Rex, you have to push the date back. They're nowhere near prepared."

His arms tighten around my waist, "We have showed them all the techniques that we know. What more do they need?"

"They need time to master the techniques, Rex. We've only been training for a month. They need time to learn them. Not everyone's an expert warrior." I push away from him and stare into his eyes. "Do you really want to send them all out there to die?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "Their death is needed. They are dying for the good of their leader. For you, also, Stella."

I back up even more. "How could you say something like that!?"

He looked genuinely confused, "What do you mean. Their death is needed, Stella. You should know that. You were the daughter of an alpha."

"That doesn't mean that my pack sacrificed our warriors for my family to live."

Rex shakes his head in disagreement, "I'm done discussing this with you. I'm not changing my mind. The attack is still planned for a week from today."

He walked away from me after his statement. How could he set them up like this? The council has many of the worlds best trained warriors and he's going to send our barely trained warriors out to battle against the best. That's practically suicide.

After my talk with Rex I made the warriors practice for two hours longer. They moan and groaned, but no one complained knowing what Rex would do if they ever spoke back to me. When I noticed that they were finally fighting right I told them to take the rest of the day off.

"Finally, I'm so tired. You sure know how to take us to the breaking point," Stephan said rubbing his shoulder. I know that they're really sore, but I had to work them a little harder today.

I shrug, "I want you all to be prepared. Wouldn't want you to get out there and die." He didn't understand my hidden meaning.

"When is the battle again?" He asks me.

I shrug yet again, "Um, I don't know. You might have to ask Rex." I look everywhere but his eyes.

Over the past month Stephan and I have gotten close, not that Rex knows. We have a best friend relationship. Nothing more, nothing less. It's now to the point that Stephan can tell when I'm lying. Rex can't know, though. If he somehow found out, he would go all crazy macho man again and I don't want that. Plus, it's good to have a friend. There's not many females here and I'm kind of skeptical of getting a female friends after the whole Kira situation.

He lifts my head up, forcing me to look at him, "Look me in my eyes and tell me that you don't know when the battle is."

"Okay, I do," I sigh, "But I don't think Rex would like it if I told you. That's why I said that you have to ask him."

Stephan scoffs and rolls his eyes, "You already know that Rex doesn't like me. If I say anything to him he's gonna kill me."

"He's not gonna k-"Stephan cut me off with a look. "Okay maybe he might, but I still can't tell you."

Stephan and I laughed before I saw Rex standing in the distance glaring at us. "Go get some rest. We have a big day ahead of us. I need to go handle Rex before he actually kills you." I nod in the direction that Rex was standing in.

I walk over to him and before I get a chance to say anything he's already yelling at me. "Why were you talking him!? I told you to stay away from him! Don't think I haven't seen you two sneaking around."

I stop him right there, "First of all, no one was sneaking off. Yes, I do talk to him, but you can't tell me what to do!"

"You sure about that?" I nod in response.

He walks in the direction that I came from. "Okay, we'll see if you're gonna keep talking to him after I'm done wit him."

I follow behind him having to speed walk to keep up, "Rex! What they fuck are you about to do!?"


It's about time I updated, right? Well, here's your long overdue chapter.

What do you think Rex is about to do? How do you think the battle is going to turn out? Do you think Stephan has different intentions?

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