Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Warning* I did not edit this chapter. There will be a few errors.

We've been running for days, only taking stops to sleep or for food. Our paws are bruised and breathing is harsh.

"Rex," I say pausing, "Can we take a break. I feel like I can't breath."

He nods.

Beside us is stream of clear water. We can see fish swimming in it. I wonder if we could camp out her for the night. Start a fire, catch some fish, and eat. It seems like a good plan, but I have to see if Rex is down for it. Turning around I see him staring off to space.

Tapping his shoulder, I bring him out of his daze, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Just thinking about what we're going to do. We been running for days and have no where to live. What are we going to do for the future, Stella? I don't want to run for the rest of my life," he sighs.

"I know, Rex. I completely understand, babe," I say rubbing his back in a comforting motion. "We'll figure out something, but don't stress yourself over it now, Okay? Just think about right now, Not the future, whatever happens, will happen. How about we camp put her for the night, huh?" I look around. "We'll catch some fish that's in the stream. Start a fire so we will be warm. We have fresh water here, also."

"Yeah, I guess staying here will be better than nothing. At least we can make food and have water for the night. We won't starve any longer."

I smile at him, trying my hardest to bring up his mood. Lately he's been really stressed with the fact that we're running from the council and the fact that he had no control over the situation. I think he's use to being in charge and this is taking a serious toll on him. He doesn't know how to deal with this situation and its my duty as his mate to make him feel better about himself and not feel like a failure. We'll come up with a plan later, but as for right now, we need to focus on surviving. If we're stuck on the future, we won't be able to help what's going on right now.

I roll up the sleeves to my shirt and thank god that I have on shorts before going into the stream to catch us some fish for the night. "Do you mind starting a fire, Rex." He doesn't say anything, but when I look up I seem his gathering sticks for the fire letting me know that he heard me.

Catching fish by hand is a lot harder than I thought. I thought I was going to get in the water and immediately catch a bunch of fish, but here I am thirty minutes later, empty handed. bending down to a pod of fish I slowly put my hand into the water, careful not to scare them, and grab the first one that I could touch.

"Oh my gosh, I did it! Rex, did you see that!?" I jump up and down in glee. A big smile is displayed on my face.

He gives me a small smile and nod, "Now you just need to catch a couple more. And please, don't take forever this time," He laughs.

"You're so funny. I'd like to see you get in here and catch a bunch of fish by hand. It's a lot harder than it looks," I scoff and return back to catching the fish.

"Yeah, right." He gets up and gets in the stream with me to catch fish.

I stand there with my hands on my hips waiting on him to try and prove me wrong. There's no way that he can catch fish by hand. He's going to look like a fool, just like me. He eyes the fish in the stream, examining their every move. After a few seconds he puts his hands in the water and comes up with four fishes, two in each hand.

I'm shocked. How the hell did he catch all those fish in like, two seconds, when it took my thirty minutes to catch one. This is not fair.

H smirks at me, "See, it wasn't that hard." He then grabs the one fish from out of my hand and goes back to the fire to cook them.

I glare at his back and scoff. Stupid jerk who thinks he's good at any and everything. I'll show him one day. He won't even know what's coming for him. I'll prove that he isn't great at everything.

Once the fish was done we sit down and eat in silence. This was the first comfortable silence we've sat in in a while. I can tell that Rex is content at this moment and it makes me smile because he is finally happy. Being proud of the fact that everything is okay at the moment, I start to hum a tune that sounding very familiar to me, but I didn't remember where I heard it from.

"How do you know that song?" Rex asked me smiling.

"I don't know, but it sounds very familiar, like a if I hear it all the time or something."

"Wanna know why it sounds familiar to you?"

I nod.

"Because I hum it to you every night when you are sleeping. I think its amazing that you memorize it even though we were sleeping," his smile is bigger than I've ever seen. He pulls me close into him and rubs he hair down because its wild and matted from not bein washed and combed in a couple of days. Sitting his chin in the top of my head he hums the song that I was just humming and trails his pointer finger up my arm in a very soft and tender notion.

I feel myself drifting off to sleep to the feel of his body against mine and his humming. Even though we're running for out lives right now, I feel like this is the happiest I've ever been in my life.


Sorry for the wait on this chapter, guys. This month has been hell with all the school work and this semester is coming to an end, so all of my professors are pounding work on me before school ends. But thanks for taking the time out to read this chapter and bearing with me even though I haven't been every active, but I promise that in December I will be super active and give you guys as many updates as I can. ☺☺

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