Chapter Ten

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Rex's pack is annihilating mine. There's no chance that any one from my pack will survive this.

"Rex! You have to stop this. They're killing everyone." My wide eyes observe everything that is going on around me.

I lock eyes with my dad who is fighting off two of Rex's men. "Dad!" I run over to him as he kills the two men.

"Stella!" Running into his arms, I hold onto him for dear life. I sob into his chest repeatedly telling him how sorry I am. I tell him that I'm sorry for being mated to such a monster. He rubs my back in a soothing manner.

"It's okay, baby girl. It's okay," He whispers into my ear, "You can't help that the moon goddess mated you to such a cruel man."

Rex comes walks towards us, giving a dark chuckle. "Take a look around. You're whole pack has been destroyed."

Silent tears fall from my eyes. "Stop," I croak, "you don't have to do this. Please, Rex, just... Please." I fall to the ground at his feet and beg him not to hurt my father. He's the only one I have left. Rex has killed my Mother, brother, hell, he's killed my entire pack.

Rex grabs my from under my arms and pulls me up, wrapping his arms around me. "You don't understand what his pack would've done to you once they found out that you were my mate. They would've hurt you, little one. I can't have them do that to you. No one will ever bring harm to you."

My face holds confusion as usual. "What are you talking about. My pack would've never brought any harm to me." I look at my dad for answers.

Shaking his head as he looks down at the ground, my dad finally speaks. "I think it's time that I told you the truth, Stella."

"What truth, dad? You know you can tell me anything."

"We have know that Rex was real or many of years. It's the duty of my pack to bring him down."

"I don't understand, dad. What do you mean?"

I push Rex away from me and walk towards my father.

"What I mean is," he takes a deep breathe, "Rex is a very powerful man, Stella, more powerful than what you know. For him to get his full power he has to complete the mating process with his mate. The power that he gets with completing the mating process could end the world, Stella."

"This still isn't explaining why he hates you so much." I explain. I wish my dad would hurry up and explain everything to me. It seems like every since I met Rex I've been let in the dark. No one tells me anything, leaving me confused and hurt.

My father sighs again. His muscles tense and his eyes softens as he looks at me. I look over his body taking in the bruises and blood that have been made from the war. You can tell that his been through hell today. I look over at Rex and take in his perfect features. As he glares at my father his eyebrows bunch together and his jaw tenses. His whole body is in a position that shows that if anything happens then he is prepared to fight.

"Something you don't know about Rex is that he's had plenty of mates through out his life time. Everytime he has found his mate, my ancestors would kill her not wanting him to come to his full power." My father says.

I gasp looking at my father, then turning to Rex. "I'm not your first mate?" Even though I don't want to be mated to Rex, I still feel sad that he has loved other women before me.

He nods, "Yes, I have had other mates before you. I love you just the as much as the others. If I can have you for the rest of my life then I will love you even more."

I take deep breaths trying to process everything. "What would you have done to me, being that I'm his mate, now?" I ask my father.

My father's eyes soften, "I'm sorry sweetie." I already know what that means. He would've killed me, too.

I walk closer to Rex, putting as much distance between my father and in as I can. Rex places his hands in mine making me give him my full attention.

"So you understand why I need your pack to be gone?" Rex looks down at me, "You call me a monster, but your pack is much worst. I kill for a reason, but your pack has stolen my mate -my one true love- away from me many times just because they think, not know, but think that I'm going to kill everyone in the world or something crazy like that."

I push away from Rex and walk away from him in my father. I look at them both trying to decide what to do next.

Doing what I least expect I start walking away from the two going towards the woods. "Do what you need to do." I mutter. I'm not sure who it was meant for when I said it.

When I made it toward the forest I hear my fathers screams in the background. When they come to a stop, I know that Rex has killed him. I slump down on a tree and and start to cry. It was inevitable, it was going to happed anyways, I kept telling myself. I just don't know how I'm going to handle it.

Thanks for reading Chapter Ten. How many of you were surprised at what happened? Don't forget to comment and vote.

BTW, I changed the cover. Idk who he is, just some random guy I found on Google.

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