Chapter Twenty-Five

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"This war starts now!" Rex yells. Before I know it he has run up to Brad and is choking him with his bare hands. My father takes a sword and stabs Rex in his side.

All hell broke loose.


My vision is blurry, there's a ringing in my ear. I feel a slight wind on my face as I am laying down on the ground. Bring my hands up so I can see them, all I can see is red.


Sitting up, I feel the urge to throw up. Dead bodies lay everywhere. What has happened?

I turn to my right and see my fathers body, but no head. Beside him are other dead bodies from Brad's army. They're all spread out in random places, indicating that there deaths where quick and came when they least expected it.

I also see bodies from Rex's army. Not as many, but enough to know that Brad trained his pack well enough to put up a good fight. 


Where is Rex and Brad. I haven't spotted their bodies, so there's a chance that they're still alive.

I try to stand up, but my head starts pounding, bringing me down to the ground again. The ringing in my ears comes back, also. Trying once again to stand, but at a slower pace, I am able to stand on two feet.

By standing up, the view of dead bodies has only gotten worse. It went on for yards. Please let none of these bodies be Rex.

I try to call out his name, but my voice is hoarse and comes out as a mere whisper.

Giving a couple coughs, I try to swallow my do to a couple times to bring moisture to my mouth.

"Rex?" My voice projects a little louder. "Rex!?"

Walking through the thousands of bodies, I start to panic thinking I won't find him. Tears build up in my eyes. "Rex! Rex! Oh, god, Rex. Please be alive. Please."

I drop to the ground and cry after forty-five minutes of looking for him. This is impossible. He has to be dead. There's no way he is alive. If he is, why would he leave me? Did he think I was dead and left?

Curling into a ball on the ground beside a random body, I cry and pray to the goddess above that someone finds me. I have no idea how to get back home.

I faintly hear my name being called from afar. I sit up and focus, so I can hear it more clearly.

"Stella!" I hear again.

Oh my goddess. It has to be Rex.

"Rex!" I call out.

"Stella? Stella, baby. Where are you."

It is Rex!

Getting up as fast as I can, I run to where I hear is voice while ignoring the pain that came with getting up so fast. "Rex, I'm coming. I'm here, I'm here."

I see his body coming into view. His body is covered in blood and dirt, and he's holding a sword. Running as fast as I can, I crash into his body and try to mold my body into his.

I cry into his shoulder, "Oh my gosh, Rex. I thought you had died. I looked everywhere for you."

His body collapses bringing me down with him, "it's done. I did it."

I caress his face, "Did what, baby?"

His breathing is low, "I've killed Brad. He's finally gone."

I give him a light smile.

"Most of all, I'm proud of you, my little warrior," his face holds admirations.

"For what?"

"You killed half the men in this field, Stella. I know you were trained, but I wasn't expecting you to fight like you were the best of the best."

I stare at him in confusion. I don't remember ever fighting or killing anyone. That would explain why I'm covered in blood.

"I don't remember. Maybe my memory will come back later."

I look around and sigh, "How do we get home?"

Rex's face holds sadness, "We don't."

"What? Why?"

"Councils on there way to come and get me. I've killed the head of councils son. I'm basically a dead man, Stella."

My eyes widen, "No. They can't kill you, what about me. If you die, I die! We're mated."

"I know, baby, I know. Being that you're a woman, I don't know what they will do to you, but you will still be punished for fighting against Brad," Rex sighs.

I can feel myself getting angry. My body begins to shake and I shake my head, "No! So this is it? You're just going to give up!? Sit here until they come and get you like you're some common wolf!? Well you're not. You're fucking Rex. An original royal. You can rule over all wolves if you wanted to, but you're being a bitch and giving up!"

"You don't fucking understand, Stella! I will never become king. Don't you understand!" He yells in my face.

"You think I don't understand, but I do. You're giving up. You think it's not with it anymore. Where's the Rex that bust his ass to get what he wanted, huh? Where's the Rex that says he protect me from anything," my give gets lower, "How are you supposed to protect me if you're letting them punish us!?"

"I'm sorry, Stella. But you just don't understand."

"Stop bitching and get up. I'm not going down without a fight. We didn't go to war for nothing!" I point to all the dead bodies surrounding us.

Rex sits quiet for a while.

"The longer you sit there, the more time you're wasting. We can make a run for it right now," I say.

"You're right, Stella. We have to leave now. Like right now!"

I smile at him. I knew he'd come around and stop being a bitch.

"Are you able to shift to your wolf form?" He gets up and asks me.


He nods his head giving me the signal to shift. Together we ran far away from the scene, hoping to escape the council.

So, how about this chapter, huh? Was it what you expected? Rex had a little break down moment, but Stella made him get his head in the right place.

Also, I changed the cover. Do y'all like it?

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