Chapter Eleven

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"Are you okay?" Looking up I see Adam hovering over me. I've been sitting by this tree for what feels like forever.

I give a slight chuckle. "Does is look like I'm okay? My whole family is gone, killed by my mate." I find interest in the birds that are flying above us. "I wish I was a bird."


I give a small smile, "Look at them flying in the sky. Birds don't have to worry about anything, they can just fly away when things get tough. I want to be a bird."

"Is this the part where I'm suppose to say 'if you're a bird, I'm a bird'?" Adams laughs in amusement, "because that's not going to happen."

I laugh along with him, giving him a bright smile. "Thanks"

"For what?" His smile is still plastered on his face.

"For making me laugh. I really needed that. I feel like I haven't smiled in ages."

"Anytime, Stella, anytime." He offers a hand out for me to take and helps me get up of the ground.

Giving Adam a light punch on the shoulder, I chuckle again. "You're not so bad after all, Adam."

Before Adam can even begin a sentence, Rex comes marching through the woods to where we're standing with the rest of his pack behind him. "Let's get back home, men. Everyone did well today. We've been planning that attack for a while and we've finally got the job done. They won't ever hurt my mate again!"

The men go wild and start walking back to there home. I stand there conflicted on what I should do. There's no way I'm going to act like they didn't just kill my pack, but something in me is telling me to get over it. It's saying that it's better this way since my pack was going to kill me anyway. Maybe I should just stop thinking about it and go with the flow. Rex has told me before that he loves me, so I should just stop acting like a prude and love him back.

I'm brought back to reality when Rex puts his hand on my shoulder. I look up at him, giving him my attention. "Is there anything that you need?" I ask

"Just making sure that you're okay after everything that happened." His eyes hold sincerity.

I nod and start following the others on our journey through the woods to make it home. Home. That word sits heavy in my head. Where is my home..


I lay in Rex's bed - or our bed as I shall start calling it- and wait on Rex. When we make it back to his territory he told me to go lay down and he would be up shortly. I'm guessing he doesn't know the meaning of shortly because I've been up here for two hours.

Finally deciding that I was tired of waiting and pretty hungry, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen is absolutely breath taking. It was nicely furnished and had the modern look that most houses have. The countertops were made of marble, wooden cabinets and drawers, and stainless steel appliances.

Opening the fridge I'm faced with enough food to feed a village. Suddenly my stomach rumbles in great hunger. I knew I was hungry, but as soon as I took one look at the food it felt like I haven't ate in ages.

"Are you hungry?" I jump at the sudden fright.

I bend over with one hand on the knee and the other on the chest. "Gosh, Rex. You gave me a fright."

He laughs and walks over to the fridge. "Sorry. Do you want me to cook you anything?" He asks.

"You can cook?" I ask after I catch my breath.

"Yes, Stella. I've been alive for along time, I had to feed myself." He chuckles as he looks through the fridge.

"Oh." I sit on on of the bar stools.

"Is there anything that you have the taste for?"

"Nothing in particular. Just surprise me. Your food can't be that bad."

He takes out a pack of chicken and gets out the supplies he's going to need for dinner. "You'll be surprised, little one. My cooking skills will amaze you and you'll be on your knees begging for more."

Even though he isn't facing me, I already know that he's smirking. My lips turn upwards slightly before giving a full smile. "We'll see about that."

When Rex was done cooking we both sat at the dinner table. I was ready to eat his food. It took him about an hour to make, so it better be good.

"You better not try to poison me." I state before taking a bite of the food.

He stares at me intently as I swallow. "Is it good?" He asks.

I give a shrug, "eh, I've had better."

Rex's face turns as red as a tomatoes and he looks down in embarrassment.

"I'm kidding," I laugh, "It was really good. I'm surprised at your cooking skills."

He let's a deep breath. "Good. This is my famous Chicken Parmesan. I've never had any complaints before, so if I got one from my mate..." He gives a nervous chuckle. "So when will you cook for me, little one?" He changes the subject.

"Me cooking? I'm not saying that its not going to happen, but the world has to end on order for me to cook."

He raises an eyebrow. "So, what I'm hearing is that you don't know how to cook?"

"I know how to cook, Rex. I just don't particularly like cooking." I state.

He gives me a look as if he doesn't believe me. "Mhm."

I just smile. "So, I realized that I don't know anything about you."

"Ask me anything you want" he says before taking another bite of his food.

"Okay, Umm, how old are you.. Really?" I take a sip of my water.

"I am 320."

"Wow, your old enough to be my great, great, great, great, and many more great granddad."

He laughs at that. "I guess I am. I never thought about it that way."

"Okay, old man. Next question, what's your favorite color?"

"Black. What's yours"

"That's so typical. You're the big scary guy and your favorite colors is black. Mine is green." I say.

He gives me a look. "Well, would you rather I say that my favorite color was pink?"

"Nothing's wrong with liking the color pink." I get up to put my plate in the sink. He stands up and follows me.

"Okay, mate. What's your favorite flower?" He asks placing his plate in the sink beside mine.

I lean against the counter. "It's between tulips and lilies. I can never decide which ones my absolute favorite, but either will suffice."

He nods. "That's interesting, very interesting."

I yawn. "It's time for me to go to bed. I'm beat."

"You go ahead upstairs, I'll be up there later."

I nod in respond before walking up the stairs that leads to our bedroom. Getting in bed I think about dinner. It was great. We got along well and I finally found out things about him that weren't lies. If we continue to get along this well, then there shouldn't be any problems in our relationship.

As I drift off to sleep I feel Rex crawl in bed behind me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him.

"Good night, little one." He whispers into me ear.

"Goodnight, Rex." I mumble.

Hope you like Chapter Eleven. Stella and Rex are starting to get along more. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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