Chapter 34

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"So basically, the nogitsune came from you and all of this has happened before? History is repeating itself?" I asked Kira's mom.

We were in Kira's dad's classroom at the moment and Kira's mom was telling us the story of how the nogitsune came from her many years ago.

"Yes and I fear we may not be able to save your friend. Kira, hurry. Night is coming Coup de foudre. The literal translation is 'a bolt of lightning.' In French, it can also mean 'love at first sight.' But a bolt of lightning happens to be exactly what we need right now. "

"For what? "

"Excising the nogitsune from Rhys' body shattered the katana. But you can put it back together. "

"Why don't you just do it yourself? "

"Because I'm not a thunder kitsune. Do you trust me?"

"I just found out you're 900 years old. I don't think I'm ever gonna trust you again. "

"Trust me on this."

Kira placed her hand over the broken pieces and a blue and white light came off from her hand and onto the broken katana. The pieces started to shift together and close off almost like the pieces were never broken. When she removed her hand the katana was a whole.

"Go ahead. It's yours now." Kira's mom said.

"What if I don't want it?"

"You need it."

Kira's mom grabbed the katana and threw it at Kira without warning. Kira quickly grabbed it and spinned it at her side and then placed it in front of her, She gasped and looked up at her mom.

"You see? It gives you balance. My power is yours now, Kira. If the oni can't stop Stiles, you have to. The same as I did. And maybe seek out a wolf to help you." Kira's mom looked over at Scott.

"You didn't tell us anything." Scott said.

He said what I was thinking in my mind.

"You want to save Stiles? Kill him. That's the only way. "

"You agree with this?" Scott asked Kira's dad.

"Sometimes, history does repeat itself, Scott."

"Only if you don't learn."

"But sometimes even then, fate conspires against you. "

My phone buzzed at the same time Scott's did. It was from Allison: Derek's loft.

"There's a way to save him. There has to be." Scott said as he started walking out the door.

"I'm not letting my best friend die." I said as Kira and I followed after Scott.

"Kira." Kira's mom said causing Kira to stop and turn around.

She grabbed the katana and handed it out to her. Kira grabbed it and quickly slid it inside its case.


Kira and I were on Scott's bike and Scott was running as the sun was starting to disappear.. We were trying to make our way to Derek's loft as soon as possible.

"Are you sure we'll make it?" Kira asked me.

"God I hope so."

Before we knew it, it was night and we made it to Derek's loft. We heard gunfires and quickly ran. When we entered Allison and her dad had their guns pointed at us. Once they realized it was just us, they put them down.

"What happened?" I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"They disappeared. They literally just vanished." Allison said.

"And so did Stiles." Stiles' dad added.

I exhaled in frustration and crossed my arms.

"We should probably just go then. " I said and walked out the loft with Stiles' dad.

So many things were going on that I completely forgot about me throwing my necklace and my doppelgänger disappearing. I managed to get one problem out of my life. But I'm still stuck with the bigger one. Saving Stiles. And who knows how Isaac is doing right now. I've tried to see him at the hospital but they won't let me in.

"I-I don't know what to do. I'm no use with my powers like this. I-I don't-" I cut myself off and exhaled into my hands.

Stiles' dad hugged me and I let a few tears slip. I felt my bottom lip quiver and my breath get unsteady.

"Hey, hey. Look at me." Stiles' dad pulled me out of the hug. "We are going to find a way out of this mess with or without your powers."

I nodded and pushed my hair out of my face.

"You're right. I just need hope."


Stiles' dad and I pulled into the driveway of his house. I was still living here because I didn't have anywhere else to go. It's just Stiles' dad and me right now. We hopped out his car and walked up the doorstep. I looked up and saw a light coming from the window of my room. I furrowed my eyebrows together and followed Stiles' dad inside the house.

"Thank you again for letting me stay here. I'm going to go up to bed now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight kiddo."

He walked off to his room and I was left standing there. My phone buzzed meaning someone texted me. I pulled out my phone and the text was from Isaac: Meet me in your room.

I furrowed my eyebrows once again and slowly made my way to my bedroom door. I passed Stiles' room and sighed. My room was right next to Stiles' so I only walked a couple more steps and was already in front of my room. I stood there listening for any sign of Isaac. But how would he be here if he was in the hospital? I didn't hear anything so I knocked on the door but there was no answer.

"Isaac? You in there?"

Once again, there was no answer. I sighed and leaned on the door.

"Isaac if this is some sort of joke-"

I was cut off by the door opening, causing me to stumble back. I ended up crashing into Isaac's chest and he grabbed on to my arms before I could fall. I looked up to see a smirking Isaac. My breath hitched in my throat and my breathing got heavy.

I could also feel my heartbeat speed up. I looked into his blue orbs and bit my lip. When I finally realized that I was in his arms I fake coughed and stepped back. Isaac looked at me and let out a low chuckle.

"What?" I stuttered out.

"You still love me."

"Wait, did you just say that-"

"You still love me."

"Conceited much?"

"Admit it Scarlett. You're not over me yet. I can easily tell." He said stepping closer.

"And what makes you think that?"

"You won't stop me from doing this."

He inched closer and we were so close that I could feel the heat of his body warm mine. I could hear the soft whisper of his breath as he exhaled. I looked up at him, his soft blue eyes already locked on mine. He ran his fingertips up my forearm, leaving a trail of goose bumps.

Isaac leaned in, lips parting slightly. Our lips brushed against each other's. I quickly shoved him away from me, causing him to stumble back. I ran outside my room, shutting the door to slow him down from catching up to me. I ran quickly into Stiles' room.

I could hear Isaac's footsteps run past Stiles' room. But then they stopped and headed back to my room. However, they sounded louder this time almost as if there were two people. Once everything was quiet I walked out Stiles' room and back to mine. I creaked the door open. Isaac was gone and my window was wide open.

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now