Chapter 4

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I don't know how i'm going to let all my friends know i'm an angel with magical powers, especially Isaac. I need to go take a walk and clear my mind. I put on a coat since it's a bit chilly and headed out silently,  not wanting to wake up Aunt Julie. I decided to go take a walk in the woods in hopes of finding the beautiful spot i was at last time.

As i walked, I could hear the leaves crunching underneath my boots. I kept walking until I finally reached the woods. I walked in and automatically started looking and trying to remember where i was at last time. I continued to walk for 10 minutes until I heard the rustling of leaves near me.

"Hello? Is someone out there?"

There it was again. The rustling. I'm getting out of here. I turned around and just as I was about to head back I heard a growl. I was so stupid to turn around. And when I did, I came face to face with.... Aiden? He continued to growl.

"A-aiden? Are you okay? I think you should sit down"

I reached for his arm and when i touched it i swear i saw his eyes change color. They changed to a shade of red. Ok, I'm probably hallucinating. I shook the though off until i saw his teeth turn very sharp and claws come out of his finger nails. He's a werewolf?

My heart beat got faster and my breathing became heavier. Run is what i was thinking. And that's what i was going to do. I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I could. I heard Aiden growl again and I knew he was chasing after me. All of a sudden everything around me looked the same and I couldn't find my way out of the woods. I looked back and saw that Aiden was only a couple feet away from me.

I looked back around and i continued to run, but I suddenly fell to the ground. I looked down and saw that I tripped over a tree's roots. I tried to get up but as soon i did, I fell back down feeling pain in my ankle. I think i twisted it.

I frantically looked behind me but there was no sign of Aiden. I sighed in relief attempting to get up when I felt someone forcefully grab my neck and i let out a shriek. I looked up to meet Aiden's red eyes.

"P-please don't hurt me." I stammered out as tears started to fall down my cheeks.

When i said that, he raised me up by my neck with one hand while tightening his grip at the same time. I looked down to see my feet dangling just a few feet above the ground. I reached for his hand trying to pry it off my neck but i couldn't. I let out several chokes along with some whimpers.

"You shouldn't be out here." He said as he let out a low chuckle.

I guess this is the end. I closed my eyes waiting for him to kill me off. I opened my eyes to see Isaac also in werewolf mode. Isaac pushed Aiden causing him to let go of his grip on my neck, sending me flying to the ground. The first thing that came in contact with the ground was my head. And hard. I let out a groan trying to get up and open my eyes. I opened them a bit but soon started seeing dark circles and I started feeling dizzy.

"Scarlett!" was the last thing I heard before my eyelids closed by themselves.

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now