Chapter 20

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The following morning, Scott, Stiles, Sherriff Stilinski, and I went to Mr.Tates house so that Scott could try to catch a scent of Malia. Stiles' dad went to go talk to him while Scott, Stiles, and I snuck in the back door. Stiles and I started offering Scott items from the room to see if he could catch get Malia's scent.

"All I'm getting is some animal smell." Scott said as he sniffed a bear I handed him.

"What kind of animal?" Stiles and I said in usion as we both were picking up something from the same spot.


Stiles and I stopped dead in our tracks when we heard a growl and we looked at each other before turning around. A rottweiler was standing in the room snarling at us. Stiles and I quickly put the items we had in our hands into our jackets trying to hide them almost if the dog was a person.

"Get rid of it." I told Scott without moving my mouth.


"Yes, you. Glow your eyes at it, something, be the Alpha." Stiles said staring at the dog.

"I can't. I don't have control."

"Okay, buddy, you're going to have to try something."

"Nice doggy " Scott reached out his hand, to have it bark and have us jump back.

It kept barking and Mr. Tate yelled at it to shut up. Eventually, the dog left. Stiles shook his head and went to look for something else for Scott to smell. He handed him a book.

"Here, try that. Anything?"

"All I'm getting is that dog."

I spotted a photo of Malia and her sister with a bald, baby doll by her side placed on the desk. Stiles noticed and snapped a copy of it. We walked back out and walked to Stiles' dad who was already out there.

"I'm sorry. I tried as hard as I could. If it wasn't so long ago, I might have been able to do it." Scott apologized to Stiles' dad.

"It's okay. It was a long shot. In fact, it was a pretty terrible idea. I think I just ripped a wound open in that poor man. I never should have brought you guys here. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for trying, all right?"


"See you at home." He said to Stiles and I before he got in his car and drove off.

"Aren't there a lot of cases that go unsolved?" Scott asked Stiles.

"Yeah, I just think this is one he felt like he could've figured out right now."

"Why is it so important now?"

"He wants to be able to solve one more while he's still Sheriff."

"What do you mean, ''still Sheriff' ?"

Stiles explained to Scott that Scott's dad is conducting a case for impeachment. We drove back and dropped Scott off at his house before we headed back to Stiles' house.

I changed into pajama shorts and put on a long, black sleeved shirt before getting ready for bed. I sighed as I crawled under the covers of my bed. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and put on my headphones to listen to some music.

After lying awake in bed for a while, I heard a knock on my window, which made me drop my phone on my face. I groaned as I reached for the lamp and turned it on. I saw Scott sitting outside my window waiting for me to let him in. I got out of bed and lazily opened the window for him.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper shouted at him as he stepped inside my room.

"I'll explain later, right now you need to get dressed."

"Alright, alright."

I pushed him out the door and shut it on him so that I could get dressed. I ended up just changing my pajama shorts into jeans and leaving my black shirt on and I put on a pair of old converse. I opened the door and slowly shut it after me.

"What exactly are we doing?" I asked him but he didn't respond.

He knocked on Stiles' door and opened it before Stiles could. Stiles stood up from his bed and looked at both of us.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"You, me, and Scarlett. We're going to go out and find a body. A dead body." He said as he turned on a flashlight.


The three of us are walking through the woods with the flashlight serving as our only source of light.

"You know, if my dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet." Stiles told us as we kept walking in the woods.

"I know." Scott replied.

"If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into, like, a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that."

"Yeah. Me either. Especially if I can't even control my own transformation anymore."

We heard a coyote howling, and Stiles grabbed onto Scott, making him drop his phone down an embankment into a pool of water.

"Sorry, buddy. I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless little animal."

We all walked down the embankment and Scott picked up his phone and dried it off with his jacket.

"It still works."

"Let me see the flashlight." I grabbed it from Scott and shined it into the distance. I saw the car crash just a couple feet away from us.

"I think we found it."

I handed Stiles the flash light and we walked towards it.

"Uh Why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" I looked at the car that was flipped upside down.

"Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out." Stiles said as he shone the flashlight on the door. There were claw marks on it.

"Look at this. See those? Animal claws would be closer together, right? A lot closer."

"Then it was a werewolf." Scott said.

"So, my dad was right."

"Wait...hold on let me see the flashlight." I took it and shone it in the inside of the car. I looked inside and found the doll that Malia was holding in her photo. I pulled it out, and handed it to Stiles. We were all staring at it.

"I'm hungry!" The doll's electronic voice said, making Stiles and I scream and throw it to the floor.

"I think I just had a minor heart attack." Stiles said just as we heard growling.

"Hey, you guys. Please tell me you see that."

There were blue eyes shining in the darkness nearby. Scott ran and took off after the creature.

"Wait, hey, Scott! Scott, wait!" Stiles said but I turned around because I felt myself having another vision.

Scott was running as fast as he could through the woods, trying to catch up to the creature with blue eyes we just saw a couple seconds ago. He leapt over a ravine and landed coming face to face with it. It looks more like a coyote then a wolf. It snarled at him, but Scott glowed his eyes red back at it, and it calmed down. Its eyes glowed blue in response.


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