Chapter 17

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Scott and I are walking through the school hallways right now. He’s explaining to me that he and Stiles both feel the darkness around their hearts every day. He says that when he feels it, it's like looking into the heart of an immense darkness. I asked him what he does instead.

"I look for my friends."

I smiled and the both of us looked for them. Aiden and Lydia were chatting near her locker. Danny and Ethan came out of a classroom holding hands. And Allison and Isaac were talking and laughing as they came down the stairs.

Isaac, Allison, and I talked about the whole incident that happened. I forgave them but I didn’t get back together with Isaac. It seems like he really likes her. I’m glad he’s moved on. But the truth is, I still kind of have feelings for him. And I know Scott’s happy to see Allison be happy herself.

I was brought out of my trance by Stiles who clapped one of his hands on Scott’s shoulder and his other one on mine. He gave us a smile and we returned it. The three of us headed down the hallway with smiles plastered on our faces.

We asked Scott what happened to Jennifer but he said that when they went back into the distillery, her body was gone. As for Derek, he left somewhere else with Cora. And we honestly don’t know if he’s coming back. And Scott’s dad doesn’t look like he’s gonna be leaving for a while. And here are Scott’s exact words:

“Just because he’s staying, doesn’t mean he’s welcome.”

And as for me, I’m just a regular girl again. A girl without powers or wings. And here’s the sad thing. Turns out, my aunt never was taken somewhere safe. And I imagined the whole thing about the spirit version of myself. It was a side effect of losing my powers. But the visions weren’t.

So, my aunt died. Jennifer took her and killed her before the lunar eclipse. It was hard to take in but I knew that Aunt Julie wouldn’t want me to be crying all the time. I remember the words she told me before the day of the lunar eclipse.

Scarlett, you have yet to discover your deepest powers.  And the key is to stay strong and don’t let anyone or anything knock you down.”

I took those words in. I’ll always remember them. And since I don’t have anyone to live with anymore, I moved into Stiles’ house with him and his dad. We haven’t talked about the kiss yet. I don’t want to ruin our friendship. But a part of me hopes that he brings it up. It’s bugging me and I need to get it off my chest.

But for now, I have all of my friends here for me. I just hope that we don’t cross paths with another evil, supernatural creature. And I hope that I didn’t just jinx that.


A/N: This is just a short chapter to explain about everything that's going on. x

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