Chapter 3

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Today's the day. My first day at Beacon Hills High School. I don't know why but i just have a feeling that after today my life will change. I quickly got changed into boyfriend jeans, a maroon off the shoulder top, and some white converse. I ate breakfast and kissed my aunt goodbye as she wished me luck. I swinged my bag over my shoulder,  closed my eyes and snapped my fingers. When i opened my eyes, i found myself standing on the corner of a street.

I walked and when i turned the corner, i was facing my new school. I took a deep breathe in and walked up the stairs. People were looking at me but i ignored them. I walked in and went straight for the office.

When i entered the office i was greeted by a lady who gave me a welcoming smile.

"Hi. You must be Scarlett. Let me go get you your schedule and locker number and combination."

When the lady came back with my things, I quickly  headed out looking for my locker. When i was looking for it, i saw two girls looking at me. One had strawberry blonde hair and one had short, dark brown hair. I heard them whispering but i kept walking. I finally found my locker and i put my stuff i didn't need inside. When i turned around, i came face to face with the girls from before. The one with strawberry blonde hair spoke up first.

"So you're new here?"

"Yea, i just moved here." I replied with a smile.

Both the girls and i started chatting and i figured out their names were Lydia and Allison. Turns out i have some classes with them, including the first. So far I thought that things were going perfect.

"So Scarlett do you wanna come have lunch with us?" Lydia asked me but i didn't listen because when i turned my head i made eye contact with a boy. My heart literally skipped a beat and i turned away blushing.

"Hello? Scarlett?"

"Oh yea sorry. What?"

Allison looked at me and answered for Lydia.

"If you want to come have lunch with us. You can even meet our friends."

I said yes and when lunch came, they took me to go meet their other friends. We approached a table where there were two boys talking to each other until they saw me. Silence. Well this just got awkward. Lydia coughed and i took that as a sign to introduced myself.

"Oh! Umm.. right. Hi, i'm Scarlett. I'm new here."

They smiled at me and welcomed me.

"Hi i'm Stiles and this is Scott. Oh and here comes Isaac."

I turned around and saw him. The boy from before. Well there goes 'perfect' for me. Having him around would be hard.

"Hey i'm Isaac."

"I kno-i mean umm Stiles told me your name."

Nice going. He laughed and smiled at me.

"I'm Scarlett by the way."

"Well Scarlett, it's nice to meet you."

~4 weeks later~

I was walking down the school halls when i felt two hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" whispered a voice into my ear.

"Hmm i don't know how about Isaac?"

He laughed and took his hands off my eyes. He turned me around and kissed me. Oh yea did i mention that over the past weeks we ended up together? Oops i guess i didn't. I would go into deep explanation on how we ended up together but I'll save that for some point later on. I don't care if we barely met. I really liked him. But what worried me was whether or not to tell him my secret. I mean it's not like everyday you have someone tell you they sprout wings and have powers. But i was going to tell him and everyone else soon. They were going to find out at some point. Whether i tell them, or they find out on their own.

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now