Chapter 7

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There’s 7 minutes left until the talent show and I’m so nervous. What if I press the wrong key? What if I’m not good enough? I’m currently behind the curtains with everyone else who was going to be performing. I really want to win but I’m so nervous that I might do terrible. Just remember what Stiles told me before I came. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Beacon Hill’s annual talent show…”






“And lastly we have Scarlett Ryder playing A Drop in the Ocean.” I nervously walked towards the curtain. Here I go. The moment I walked out, I saw a bunch of faces including Stiles who doing this weird thing with his eyebrows at me. I laughed but then I noticed that I saw lot of faces except for one. Isaac. Maybe he’s just a little late. I brushed the thought off and took my seat in front of the piano. This is it. I put my hands on the keys and started playing.

A few seconds after I started, I heard Stiles shout. ”That’s my best friend! Whooo!”

I turned my head towards him and saw him give me a toothy grin. I laughed and continued playing.






“Thank you.” I said as everyone started clapping and I got off stage and stood next to the audience.

I looked through the crowd of people but there was no sign of Isaac. Did he really not come? He promised me. Today meant a lot to me. I tried to brush it off but I felt the tears about to fall. I can’t believe he didn’t even give me a call or anything. I didn’t want anyone to see me break down so I ran outside into the parking lot.

I let the tears fall and I slid down the wall of the building. I brought my knees up to my chest and started sobbing into them. I heard footsteps but I ignored them. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I looked up. The moment I saw Stiles I quickly got up on my feet and hugged him, crying into his chest.

“Shhh, it’s gonna be ok. Forget about him. He’s a jerk for not coming. You did great out there. Everyone else should just go home because you’re gonna win. And don’t worry about staining my shirt. Let it all out. ” He whispered into my ear while rubbing my back.

You see, Stiles is the best human being in the world. He’s always there for me. He knows how cheer me up. He can easily make me laugh. And those big brown eyes, oh god. And he gives the best hugs. No to mention he smells really good too. He’s the most perfect best friend I could ask for. And he’s the sweetest guy ever. I pulled away from the hug and wiped my cheeks.

“Thank you for always being there for me. And for letting me in on the whole werewolf thing. I guess it’s my turn to let you in on something. I think it’s time you knew."

“If this is about your weird obsession with watermelon, I think I’ve noticed.”

I laughed as he smirked. There he goes again with his smirking thing. Ughh. Wait, did I just feel something towards him? No, of course not. He’s like a brother to me.

“No you idiot.” I said returning the smirk.

“I’m being serious here.” I looked him straight in the eye.

“I should’ve told you this a long time ago.”

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now