Chapter 15

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I took deep breaths and grabbed my bow, getting ready to shoot anything in my way. I walked quietly back into the distillery but was surprised to see Scott lying on the floor, Deucalion a couple feet away from him, and Derek looking at me with a scared look on his face. But Jennifer wasn’t there.

“Scarlett, look out!” Scott choked out at me.

I turned around and saw Jennifer in darach form coming towards me, wanting to attack me. I shot an arrow at her but she caught it in her hand and threw it near Scott. She forcefully shoved her hands in the air, which made me fly back against the wall. I felt pain when I hit it and my body collapsed forwards causing me to fall on my stomach. I reached my hand for my last arrow but my hand never came in contact with it.

I looked around and saw that it was a few feet away from me. It must’ve flown out of the quiver when she shoved me. I looked up and saw Jennifer walking towards me so I quickly dragged my body across the floor and towards the arrow. Right when I was about to grab it, Jennifer put her hand on top mine and raised my hand up.

“Did you actually think that I was going to let you grab that arrow?” She pushed my back against the wall in a sitting position as she hovered over me.

Behind her I could see Deucalion trying to escape from the distillery but she noticed. She ran towards him and lifted him up and threw him to the floor. She grabbed his head and bashed it on the floor repeatedly. I could hear his skull crack as blood oozed out of his head. She was practically killing him.

Derek stepped close to her. “Jennifer. He doesn't know.”

She released her grasp from his head and stood up, leaving him lying on the ground. Her voice was deeper and sounded kind of robot like. That’s the best I can describe what it sounded like.

“Know what?”

“What you really look like. He knows the cost of bringing kali into his pack, but he's never seen the price you paid.” I forgot to mention that Deucalion’s blind. Oops?

“No. No, he hasn't.”

She placed the palm of her hand over Deucalion’s eyes and he started screaming. She was curing him form being blind. He stopped screaming and she removed her hands, letting him open his eyes. He let them adjust to the light and his breathing became unsteady.

Turn to me. Turn around!”

He started hyperventilating and slowly turned around but didn’t see her in her darach form. He still saw her in her normal form. Jennifer went to strike him, but faltered and collapsed. She groaned and turned to Derek.

“What is this?”

Healing him made you weak, just like healing Cora did to me. You won't have your strength for at least a few minutes.”


Then you do it. Kill him.”



Like my mother used to say, I'm a predator. I don't have to be a killer.”

He gripped her throat and she started to grunt.

“Let them go.”

She shoved him back and hit him a few times in the face, looking betrayed. She left him and turned back to me. She walked up to me and grabbed the arrow that was still by my side. I was still in my sitting position, so she grabbed me by my neck and placed the arrow right underneath my chin.

My breath hitched in my throat and I saw Scott slide my last arrow at me in the corner of my eye. I grabbed it and put it behind my back. I have one chance at this so I better not screw it up.

“One guardian down.”

She striked at me with the arrow but I moved forward and flung the one I had at her. It impaled her right in the middle of her stomach and she fell back to the ground. She screamed and pulled it out, blood starting to cover her shirt.

I stood up to run to Scott but I felt a pain on the left side of my chest. I looked down and my eyes were met with a red substance. I touched it with my index finger and brought it up to my eyes. It was blood.

There was an arrow right through my chest that went out my back, and into my wings. My hands started to shake and it got harder for me to breathe. I fell to the floor, gasping for air. Oh my god. This is it. Out of all the ways I could die, this is it.

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now