Chapter 1

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking and i knew that Aunt Julie was up already. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was too busy thinking about whether or not to tell my aunt about my secret. I shook the thought off and decided to go out for a run. I got dressed into some comftorable clothes to run in and headed downstairs. I know i can just snap my fingers and BAM be dresed, but why not get dressed the old fashioned way once in a while?

"I'm going out for a run i'll be back soon," I said to my aunt as i headed out the door.

After a while of running, i stumbled across the woods of Beacon Hills. Me being the curious girl i am, decided to go in and look around. As i continued to walk, i reached a place where there was a little stream of water and a bunch of rocks. I thought it looked beautiful because i'm the kind of girl who falls in love with nature's beauty.

I sat down and thought about how the hell i came to be this girl with wings sprouting out of my back and being able to change my clothes with just a snap of my fingers. I sighed and got up getting ready to jog back home. But as i stood up, i dropped something very special to me. The necklace my parents gave me on my 13th birthday. I didn't notice it fall down so i just continued to jog back home. I guess someone would find it there, or it would just stay there forever along with everything else in the woods.

When i got home i quickly showered and put on comftorable clothes. When i was done eating lunch my aunt told me to wash the dishes. Since i had powers, why not use them right? I looked to make sure my aunt wasn't watching and waved my fingers over the dishes. All washed. I smiled to myself and turned around to find myself facing my aunt. Shit.

"How did you wash the dishes so fast?" I surely couldn't tell her just yet.

"Umm i guess after a while of washing dishes you get faster at it..." Probably not the best excuse.

"I guess so." she said as she walked away.

God that was a close one. Who knows what could've happened if she found out.




I went online and searched the school that i would be going to in 2 days. Turns out it was an indoor high school unlike the one back where i used to live. After a while of reading about Beacon Hills online, i came across a website that looked interesting. It was about all the recent murders going on lately and i soon knew everything there was to know. But just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine. I closed my laptop and saw that it was getting dark so i decided to go downstairs and eat dinner with my aunt.

After dinner i decided to continue reading my book. When i read, i tune out the world around me and i go into my own little world. But i was brought out of it  when i heard a loud crash come from the other living room. I quickly got up and ran to see what happened. But to my surprise, there was nothing and my aunt just sat there watching tv. I looked around confused and i guess my aunt noticed.

"Honey are you alright? You seem a bit worried."

"Yeah it's just i thought i heard a crash... never mind just forget it."

My aunt gave me an uncertain smile and nodded. I headed back to the other living room and sighed as i sat down. What the hell? I heard something and i know i did. Just as if on cue, i heard screaming and looked down to find myself looking at the wood's ground covered with leaves and fog. I looked up and found myself in the woods just like earlier but this time i wasn't alone.

Someone or something was standing in the shadows a few feet away from me but i couldn't make out the face. I could only see the silhouette. Then it pointed at me and then to a tree where i saw something that made my heart rate speed up. There tied to the tree, was a dead girl with her throat slashed. I could hear myself breathing faster now with a horrified and scared look on my face.

Then it came out of the shadows and what i saw made me scream louder than i thought i could. There looking at me, was a disfigured and slightly slimy face with slash marks on it. I turned around to run but faced a bunch of moths and fireflies. I turned back around again and I saw it coming towards me, and i knew i would be it's next victim. It grabbed me by my neck and i could feel a lump in my throat start to form along with tears. It tied my neck to a tree and i knew what was coming next. I tried my best to scream but the lump in my throat stopped me from doing so. It twisted whatever the hell it was and before i knew it, my throat was slashed.

My eyes popped open and i was breathing heavily. I looked to find myself still in the living room where i guess i must've fallen asleep. That was by far one of my most realistic dreams. I could practically feel the wire around my neck, and as i said that to myself i reached up to feel something around my neck. I started to breath heavily again and i pulled the thing around my neck to see what it was. And there in my palms was the black wire from my dream. No it was just a dream! I blinked and opened my eyes to find the wires were replaced with my ear phones. I guess while i fell asleep they somehow ended up getting tangled around me. The nightmare must've gotten to me, that i started seeing things. I calmed myself down before going upstairs to my room. It was all just a dream right? Or was it? Because when i looked out the window it made me think it wasn't.


The picture in this chapter is Scarlett's necklace. Just thought i should let you know x

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now