Chapter 8

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"Stiles...I don't know how you're going to react or if you'll ever look at me th-" I was interrupted by the microphone boxes going off in the parking lot.

"The judges have chosen this year's winner. They will be announced in 20 minutes."

"We should probably head back. You have to be there when you win." Stiles said as he ruffled my hair.

"Wait. We don't know for sure that I'm going to win. And even if I didn't I wouldn't be mad or disappointed because in the end I got to do what I love the most in front of a lot of people." I said as I sighed happily.

"But you are going to win. You totally did better than everyone else. And you looked beautiful on stage." He said stepping dangerously close to me. He leaned in so close that I could feel his breath on my face. My heartbeat got unsteady and my breath hitched in my throat.

"W-we should probably head back now." I stuttered in a whisper.

"We still have 18 minutes and it literally takes less than a minute to walk back." He said as he leaned back and took my hand in his and intertwined them together.

"Tell me. How are things going between you and Isaac?"

"Honestly, I don't even know. He's been a bit distant and he's always looking at Allison like he used to look at me. Do you think that maybe h-he's..." I couldn't even finish my sentence because just the thought of him possibly cheating on me made me sick.

"Hey." Stiles said extending his free hand out and lifting my chin up.

"It's ok. Don't think about that. If he were to cheat on you, you know you can always come to me. And then I'd go beat his werewolf ass for hurting you."

This is what I love about Stiles. He can easily make me feel better. Maybe Isaac's just stressed with the whole darach thing going on.

"You know what. I'm not gonna go back in there. Right now I just want to spend time with my best friend."

I swayed our hands that were still intertwined back and forth. A smirk grew on Stiles' face. There he goes again! For some reason, whenever he smirks I feel my heart flutter unlike before where I didn't feel anything. I was brought out of my trance by Stiles who lifted me up and carried me bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I said giggling.

"You'll see."

He started running around the parking lot while still carrying me. We were both laughing hysterically as he continued to run around the parking lot. But he stopped dead in his tracks and we both stopped laughing when we heard a loud scream that pierced through our ears. Lydia.

Stiles drove as fast as he could to our school where the memorial concert was happening. Scott called us and said that the scream had came from there. Stiles pulled up in the school's parking lot and frantically took off his seatbelt. I reached for mine but Stiles put is hand over mine.

"Scarlett, I don't know for sure what's going on but since Lydia screamed something might lead to death. I can't let you be the one to die or to even get hurt. I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want to remember it's my fault for something happen to you. Please stay here."

It was sweet of Stiles to look after me but I couldn't let him go by himself. Sure Scott and maybe the rest of the pack were there but Stiles is my best friend and he's not going without me. I can't let anything happen to him either.

"No. What if something happens to you? I wouldn't be right next to you when it happens. I can't lose you Stiles."

"And I can't lose you either so please stay here."

I didn't have a chance to reply before he planted a kiss on my forehead and ran towards the entrance. There's no way I'm staying here.

I waved my finger and appeared in the school hallways. I stayed quiet to hear the footsteps of Stiles or anyone else in the pack. I heard a long bang so I followed it. But then I heard the orchestra playing very weirdly so I headed to the auditorium. When I entered, the pianist was crashing random cords so hard that she broke one of the strings on her piano. The metal wire flew up and off the pin block. It whipped back and sliced across her throat. She then dropped dead to the floor. I stumbled back as everyone started panicking and running. I could see a white pool of liquid mistletoe running from the now dead pianist's mouth. Stiles was the first thing that came to my mind.

I instantly ran through the hallways looking for him hoping that he was ok. I reached the end of the hallway and looked left and right but there was no sign of him. I headed back down the hallway where I saw Stiles running towards a door. I ran as fast as I could to have the door shut on Stiles and I. I looked through the small window and almost fell back. Right behind this door was Lydia tied up to a chair with duct tape on her mouth, Stiles' dad with a dagger stuck in his chest, and a bleeding Scott. Ms. Blake was the darach.

Stiles and I tried to open the door but there was a desk holding it closed. He told me to step aside while he tried to get it open. I looked through the window and saw Ms. Blake kiss Sheriff Stilinski. The moment she pulled back her head twitched and her face turned into a disfigured and slightly slimy face. Her face looked familiar but I couldn't remember from where.

"It's open!" Stiles said as i heard the sound of shattering glass come from inside.

When we entered we were met with a broken window and a worried Scott. There was no sign of the darach or Sheriff Stilinski. I instantly remembered that I could've just waved my hand and we could've opened the door faster. The maybe we could've stopped the darach before she took Stiles' dad. I couldn't take it anymore. I was on the verge of tears and I started seeing black spots.


Was the last thing I heard before I fell to the ground.

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now